7) Christmas

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Scarlett and Barrie went to their homes to spend Christmas as the trio decided to stay at school. They both were on their way to London in the train.

"So planned something for Christmas?" Barrie asked.

"Nope. My dad won't be able to come to London." She said

"Oh. So wanna hang out?" She asked.

"That will be great. I will write to you." Scarlett said cheerfully.

"Okay." She replied.

"Good. I am gonna go use washroom." Scarlett said and went out of the compartment. She walked towards the washroom, then suddenly she fell forward and landed on her knees. All the Slytherins started laughing. She looked up and saw Pansy tripped her down. Everyone was laughing including Draco too.

"I will get you soon." She said and continued her way towards the washroom. After few minutes she exited and saw again Pansy was ready to trip her but Blaise swing a baseball bat towards her feet but just in time she front flipped and landed safely on her feet on the other side. Everyone gasped surprised. She turn around and smiled showing her middle finger to them then went back to her compartment.

As she entered she let Barrie know the situation.

"If they keep doing that then you gonna be as popular as Harry." She said.

"I don't need to. I already am popular." She said.

After a while the train stopped at the London station. They both climbed out and went to their separate ways. She spotted a familiar face in the crowd. As she recognized it her eyes went wide and she stood shocked. It was Tony waiting for her arrival. As he saw her he opened his arms wide to say I am here. Without thinking she ran into his arms and hugged him. He was shocked for a second then hugged her back.

"Awww someone missed me." He said.

"Of course. I missed you. Great Christmas present dad." She said pulling away.

"I had to come I missed you too and besides your Christmas present is at home." He said. She jumped up and down in excitement. Tony can't help but smiled at her childishness.

"Is Nat and Clint will be there?" She asked.

"Yeep." He said. And she smiled, suddenly her smiled disappeared as she spotted the Malfoy family behind her dad watching them. Tony recognized this and turned around. And saw the long white haired man and a young boy with same hair colour and of Scarlett's age and a woman with black white hair.

"Tony Stark. A famous muggle" The older man said.

"And who are you? Lady Gaga?" Tony asked. Scarlett was about to laugh but controlled herself.

"Don't you dare to laugh you filthy half blood." Draco spat.

"Draco not now son. I am Lucius Malfoy. And what a famous muggle is doing here in this wizarding world I ask?" He said.

"Well this muggle came here to  receive his daughter. And I see you are here for your son, Draco that's your name right?" Tony said draping his hand around Scarlett's shoulder as he said daughter.

"Dirty blood I see. Shame." He said.

"Well I know what you pure bloods think of yourselves, but I don't care. You say anything but its not gonna affect me or my daughter, because we may be not pure by blood but we are pure by our hearts and that's what matters to us." Tony finished and Scarlett looked up at him mouth a little opened by a slight shock.

Tony unfold his glasses and wore it. He turned around with Scarlett and walked away. Both the male Malfoys stood there shocked.

"Lucius shall we go. I hope Draco don't want his Christmas ruined." Narcissa said. They both looked at her and started walking towards their house.

Tony and Scarlett walked out of the station.

"That's was really amazing dad." She said.

"I don't like if anyone say a word about my family. So your welcomed." He said. He led her to his Jaguar car and they both climbed in and drove towards grandma Peggy's house.

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