15) Werewolf

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The kids and Sirius started walking back to the willow. Harry and Sirius helped Ron to walk through the path they came.

"You bit me really hard." Rin said.

"Yeah, sorry for that. I was going for the rat actually. Sometimes I forget my strength when I turn. James said to make the change permanent, the tail I could live with but fleas they're murder." Sirius said. Harry chuckled at that.

Once they got out Harry and Sirius helped Ron to sit on nearby rock. The girls crouched down beside him. His wound was still bleeding. Scarlett waved her hand and the red energy went from her hands to Ron's wound.

"Woha." Ron said.

"It should help slow down your bleeding." Scarlett said. Once she was done she stood up and saw Sirius standing a few meters away looking at the castle.

"Go talk to him, we'll stay." Hermione said.

"You both go." Barrie said. Scarlett looked at Harry, he nodded. They both walked up to him, both stood either side of him.

"It's so beautiful, I still remember the first time I walked through its doors. It'll be so nice to do that again like a free man." Sirius said.

"You will Sirius." Harry said.

"You know when you was born James and Lily made me your Godfather." Sirius said.

"Yeah I know that." Harry replied.

"You know my mom?" Scarlett asked.

"Chrolett, great woman your mom she saved our lives many times in school and after that too. Then she fell in love with a muggle, everybody loathed him but not your mother, she changed him for good. Great man Anthony and a superhero." Sirius said.

"You know my father?" She asked.

"Of course he's dad Howard greatest muggle ever known. Your dad never told you about your mother?" Sirius asked.

"No, not much." She said.

"I bet he must have a better explanation for that." Sirius said. She nodded.

"After all this is over Harry would you like to stay with me?" Sirius asked.

"I would love to, I can come with you right now." Harry said

"No not now Harry." Sirius said. Then Remus brought Pettigrew out of the hole, he was babbling to Ron and Hermione to let him go but Remus dragged him away.

"Extraordinary witch your mother, you're just like her Scarlett and you do have great friends. Keep them close and your family you have no idea what's out there." Sirius said.

"Harry, Scarlett!" Hermione exclaimed. The three of them turn to her, she pointed at the full moon rising from behind the clouds. Remus looked at the moon and froze. Sirius ran up to Remus who dropped his wand. Sirius caught him in a hug.

"Remus my friend you took your potion tonight right?" Sirius asked. Harry and Scarlett stood with Ron, Hermione and Barrie. Ron stood on his good leg talking support of Hermione. They all watched Remus turn into a werewolf. Pettigrew picked up Remus' wand but Harry disarmed him before he cast a spell. Pettigrew waved at them and turn into rat his animagus form and run away.

"Kids run." Sirius shouted, Remus picked up Sirius and threw him aside as he turn and stood quite for a minute. Harry took hold of Ron and was ready to leave.

"Guys wait." Hermione said and took a step toward werewolf Remus.

"Mione no." Scarlett whispered.

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