17) Back in Time pt 2

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"Dr Stephan Strange?" Harry repeated.

"Yes, he's a halfblood. He's a surgeon in muggle world and headmaster of Ilvermory. Gifted with magical skills, Dr Strange is far different from all wizards, his work is meant to change the future of America's wizarding world." Scarlett said.

"How did you find that out?" Harry asked.

"Well.. I may have eavesdrop on one of the meetings of the Ancient ones." She said innocently.

"With your powers?" He asked.

"Yes.... That was before I learned to control them." She said. Then they hear people talking in distance, they looked up and saw their past selves climbed out of the Woimping Willow.

"Here we come." She said and they stood up.

They watched as the professor turned into a werewolf and attack them few times and past Scarlett used her powers to defend them. Then Sirius attacked the werewolf and they got engaged in fight, past Harry followed them to the other side of the mountain. Real Harry and Scarlett followed them too. Past Harry threw a stone at the werewolf and it turned to him. Without thinking Scarlett cupped her hands around her mouth and let out a wolf howl. Harry immediately stopped her.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Saving your life." She replied and again let out a loud howl. The werewolf spared the past Harry and ran towards the real one.

"Great and now he's coming for us." Real Harry said.

"I maybe have a plan for it." She replied and grabbed his hand running into the forest. The werewolf followed them, they ran and hid behind a big tree. The werewolf stopped and looked around for them. The kids circled the tree as the werewolf moved around. They both moved out of their hiding place, they herd a growl behind them, they both turn around and came face to face with a angry Professor Lupin werewolf.

Harry and Scarlett stood there in shock for a minute. The werewolf roared at them and leaped forward to attack them, Scarlett pushed Harry back, her eyes turned red and she waved her hands towards werewolf throwing energy balls with her powers at it. She threw couple of energy balls then he attacked her, she blocked it and threw him away, the werewolf stood up and was about to attack her again, she knew she was running out of time so she raised her fist and slammed it on the ground, it threw a large amount of energy around the area which threw the werewolf away on the ground. The werewolf stood up and ran away.

Scarlett turned to Harry, her eyes turn back to normal and the red aura around her hands disappeared.

"Told ya I had a plan." She said. Then the cold breeze hit them. They both looked up and saw dementors.

"Sirius." Harry said and ran towards the lake, Scarlett following behind.

They reached the lake and stood by the tree and watch. The dementors were sucking the past Harry and Sirius souls.

"They're killing you both." Scarlett said.

"Don't worry, my father will come, right there." Harry said pointing at the spot near the lake. They both stood there watching them die.

"You are dying, you both are." Scarlett said.

"He will come, any minute now." He replies. Dementors suck Sirius last soul.

"No one is coming Harry." Scarlett says. Harry took a deep breathe and ran out of his hiding place and stood on the bank of the lake, his wand in his hand holding up in air.

"EXPECTO PETRONUM." Harry shouts and the tip of his wand illuminates in white flash of light all around the area sending the dementors away. The light die down, Sirius' soul didn't got sucked out and the past Harry passed out. Harry turn back to Scarlett and she smiled at him. They saw Snape and other professors of the school took the past Harry to madme Pomfrey and captured Sirius. Harry and Scarlett went back to Buckbeak and flew to tower where they've captured Sirius.

"I was wrong Scarlett, it wasn't my dad I saw it was me. I was the one who cast that Petronus charm." Harry shouted.

"I had a hunch about that." She replied. They reached the tower and looked for Sirius' cell. They found it, Scarlett whipped her wand,

"Bombarda." She case the spell and the the metal door burst open. They took Sirius and flew down towards the fountain. They get down from the bird and Sirius took Harry near the bench to talk. Scarlett stood there with Buckbeak.

"You've come through a long way buddy. Now it's time to set you free." She said. The bird turn it's head to Sirius.

"Yes, with him. It's time to set you both free. You deserve freedom." She said and smiled. The bird bought it's head near he's, she rest her forehead to it's. She stepped away few seconds later. Sirius and Harry came back to her. She handed Buckbeak's chains to Sirius.

"Thank you for getting me out. And Scarlett, you are just like Tony." He said. She smiled and stepped back, they both watch Sirius fly away with Buckbeak. The clock struck 10:30. Scarlett turn to Harry.

"Come on we'll be late." She said and drag Harry as she ran to the hospital wing. They turn the last corner of the hallway then Scarlett suddenly stopped, she saw something white peaking from the other hallway.

"Scarlett come on." Harry called, she turn to him and continue to run. They reached the hospital wing and saw Professor Dumbledore exit the wing.

"We did it." Scarlett said.

"We set him free." Harry joined

"Did what? Good Night." The professor said and descend the stairs in the corner. Harry and Scarlett looked at each other in confusion for a second then pushed the hospital doors open, there they saw their past selves disappear. They both walked in.

"How did you get there? You both were just right here now." Ron said in shock. Hermione and Barrie smiled.

"What is he talking about Harry?" Scarlett asked acting she don't know what he's talking about.

"I don't know, how could one person could be at two places at same time?" Harry asked and they all laughed except Ron.

Sorry for this late update, COVID19 is here I India, we're under quarantine and all my photography projects have been cancelled plus I got a sprained ankle, so enjoy this chapter and stay healthy.

Hey guys I am gonna do a face reveal in next chapter cuz I think it's time for it, my first book is soon coming to end and another thing is that tomorrow is my birthday. So you guys ready? Comment down below.

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