13) The Execution

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Today the weather was slightly chilly and today Buckbeak will be executed. The group met up in one of the school's hallway and walked towards Hagrid's hut. On their way they pass by the executioner quietly sharping his big axe.

"I can't believe it's happening." Hermione said. As they walked over the bridge.

"It's just got worse." Ron said as they halted at the end of the bridge and saw Draco, Pansy and their goons.

"My dad said I could keep the bird's head." Draco said

"We should let it hang in Griffindor common room." Pansy said and the group laughed. Without a word Hermione marched up to them with her wand in her hand, Scarlett, Ron, Barrie and Harry following behind. Draco and his friends noticed them.

"Ah come to see the show are we?" Draco said turning to her.

"You, you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach." Hermione said pointing her wand at his throat. Draco backed away to the stone wall behind him.

"Hermione no, he's not worth it." Ron said making her stop before hexing him. Scarlett stood beside her and put her hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"Sister, let's not waste our time after these douchebags." Scarlett said to Mione. She lowers her wand, Scarlett steps back cuz she know Hermione won't let them go easy. Draco and his friends laughed as she turn to leave. Hermione whipped back around and punched Draco right in the face then turn to leave with Scarlett. Pansy glared at her and signaled Blaise. He came from behind the girls and about to hit Hermione, Scarlett whipped and around caught his hand before he hit Hermione. She wrapped his hand around her and Judo throw him over her shoulder. She herd 'oo' coming from Harry and Ron. Hermione looked at her shocked that how fast she reacted.

"Behind you." She said to Scarlett. Scarlett round house kicked Theo in the face making him fall to the ground.

Then someone grabbed her shoulder from behind, she grabbed the person's shirt by the collar without looking at them and raised her other hand ready to punch she turn to the person, it was Pansy ready to take the punch in the face. Scarlett looked at her in pity and titled her head slightly to her left giving her 'what the hell' look. She lowered her fist and pushed her slightly. Pansy stumble behind but stood on her feet. Pansy grabbed Draco's arm and they ran past Scarlett into the castle his friends tripping behind them.

Scarlett turn to her group,
"Awesome punch Mione." She said

"Thanks that felt good." She replied

"Me too." Scarlett said.

"You badass girls that was bloody awesome." Ron said and Harry nodded smiling. The girls laugh making other three laugh. They continued their way to Hagrid's hut.

"You could have punched Pansy, why didn't you? She deserves it after what she have done." Harry said

"Yeah, why didn't you?" Barrie asked.

"I didn't hit her because that's what she wants me to do. I understood her plan and that's why I let her go." She replied. The trio nodded. Barrie nudged her. Scarlett let her eyes glow red without the trio noticing and read Barrie's mind.

'Or because Draco was present so you let her go?' Barrie thought still nudging her lightly.

'Okay cut the check!' Scarlett spoke in her head turning to her with red eyes.

"Okay." Barrie whispered to her.
'But seriously he's head over heels for you, I saw his face when you were fighting.' Barrie thought knowing she could hear her. Scarlett rolled her eyes and mentally scoffs covering her ears.
'Sometimes I think why I have these powers' Scarlett thought turning her eyes back to her brown hue. Barrie smile at her.

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