16) Back in Time pt 1

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Scarlett walked in the hospital wing. Harry woke up few seconds later.

"How you feeling?" Barrie asked handing him his glasses.

"Peachy. I saw my dad, he sent the dementors away. " He replied. Scarlett walked up to his bed.

"They captured him, Sirius and any minute the dementors are gonna perform the kiss. " Scarlett said.

"You saying they're gonna kill him?" He asked sitting up.

"No much worst, they're gonna suck his soul out. " She said. Harry sprinted out of his bed.

"What?!" He exclaimed. Then professor Dumbledore enter the Hospital wing.

"Headmaster you've got to stop them, they got the wrong man." Hermione said walking up to headmaster.

"Yes, Sirius is innocent." Harry said.

"It was Scabbers." Ron said.

"Scabbers?" Headmaster questioned.

"He was my rat, actually he was my brother Percy's and he's not a rat." Ron ramble.

"It's means we know the truth sir, believe us." Scarlett said.

"I do miss Stark but I can't tell the word of five thirteen year olds." Professor Dumbledore said and walked up to Ron's bed.

"A child's voice, truthful and honest if you listened to it." He said patting Ron's injured leg. The clock struck 10. Professor Dumbledore looked up and walked few steps ahead of Scarlett and Hermione looking at the clock.

"Curious thing time, powerful and when meddled with dangerous." He said and turn around to face them.

"I know you both have it but I want you to go Miss Stark. You know the rules and if you succeed more than one innocent lives will be spared. Three turns could do." He said and walked out of the hospital wing but turn around before closing the door.

"And I would suggest you to retracing your steps from where you started. Good luck." He said and closed the door.

"What the hell was all that about?" Ron asked.

Scarlett pulled out her Time Turner from underneath her hoodie. She looked at Hermione.

"No, I wont be coming with you this time." Barrie said, Scarlett shrugged at her.

"You sure you don't want to use yours?" She asked.

"You herd Dumbledore he wants you to go. So go." She said. Scarlett nodded and walked up to Harry, she put the chain attached to the Turner around his neck and hold up the Turner. Harry looked at both girls awkwardly then reached his hand to hold the Turner but Scarlett slapped his hand away and turned the Turner three times, it spun and their surrounding went backwards. People come and go, treating the patients, casting someone's whole body from head to toe then everything stopped. She removed the chain from around Harry's neck and tuck it back in her jacket, she looked at the clock.

"7:30 where were we at 7:30?" Scarlett asked him.

"Don't know, maybe going to Hagrid's." He replied, she nodded and ran towards Hagrid's hut. They ran out of the castle and towards the bridge, she stopped at the end seeing the past them and Draco near the stones. Hermione pulled her wand at Draco's chin.

"What? This can't be happening, that's us." Harry said. Scarlett turn to Harry.

"Harry this is a Time Turner, the Headmaster of Ilvermory gave it to me in my first year, Hermione has one too and that's how she's been getting to her classes." She said then turn back to watch their past selves. The past Scarlett engaged in combat fight with Theo and Blaise,

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