10) The Bloody Rumors

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The next few days Barrie has been avoiding Scarlett and the golden trio. Scarlett lost her cat as she was busy trying to make things right between them. Barrie wake up early than her and go to breakfast with other girls of the Slytherin. She even don't sit with her in any of the classes, so the place beside Scarlett remains empty, she did try to talk to Barrie about what Harry and his friends told her but when she approaches her she ignores her or walk away. The trio noticed it and one day they asked her when they were in library.

"What's up between you and Barrie?" Harry asked taping her head as she sat across from Harry and Ron with her head on top of the open book.

"I don't know? I am trying to figure it myself." She lied because she still respect her friend's secrets.

"I think Pansy put a spell on her." Ron said.

"No, if she would I have known it." Scarlett said looking at Ron with red glowing eyes.

"Then what is it?" Hermione asked looking up from her book.

"Can't you read her mind?" Harry suggests.

'I don't need to, I know why she is upset with me.' Scarlett think in her head.

"I could but she won't let me." Scarlett replied.

"You could read minds?" Ron and Hermione asked.

"Yes. Didn't Harry told you?" Scarlett asked.

"No." Ron replied.

"Nowadays Harry is keeping some special things to himself." Hermione teased them. Harry looked down and smiled shyly.

"Ha ha very funny Hermione." Scarlett said unaware of red Harry.

"No it's true, remember when he and Scarlett scared the hell out of Malfoy and Harry was the first one to know that she have powers." Ron said.

Scarlett sit there staring at her open potions book don't know weather to laugh or scold them.

"Yes and once--" Hermione started but cut off by Scarlett

"Alright I am done, need to make a call to my dad. See you guys later." Scarlett said closing her book. The trio look shocked at her sudden outburst.
Scarlett noticed it.

"Oh apologies for my manners, can't help old habits." Scarlett said and exited the library.

"She's different." Ron said.

"She is like her father." Hermione said

"How did you know her father?" Ron asked.

"He is famous all around the world, even the Wizarding world know it." Hermione said and looked at the boys. They both nodded 'no'

"What world are you living in guys?" Hermione asked.

"The Hogwarts world." Harry replied. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Her father is genius, billionaire, playboy, Philanthropist and an Avenger called Iron Man. The Stark Industries, the Stark Expo? Ever herd of it? Hermione asked. Harry nodded eyes wide in realisation.

"Well I did hear about Iron Man but.. . ." Ron trailed off.

"You are saying the Iron Man is Scarlett's father?" Ron asked amazed. Hermione nodded folding her hands and leaning back in her chair.

"Bloody hell." Ron said and leaned back in his chair.

Scarlett walked down the halls and instead going in her dorm she walked outside of the castle and near the lake. It was almost sunset and the cool wind blowing making her hair brown hair fly behind her. She sat down on the fresh green grass with her bag at her side. She hear the birds returning to their nests and the rustling of the leaves. She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands.

"Waiting for someone special?" A male voice asked. Scarlett sighed knowing whose voice it is.

"What do want Malfoy?" She asked

"Ooo I see Potter had made a influence on you." He said and walked up to her and sat beside her.

"No seriously what do you want? And if you are making fun of me then let me tell you I am already in a bad mood." Scarlett said.

"What happened? Potter lit a fire between you and James?" He asked.

"Yea you can say that. She likes Harry." She said. He nodded listening to her.

"And she thinks that something fishy is going on between us. It's just she never understood that Harry is like a brother I never had." She said and hear a low meow. She looked at Draco in confusion. He looked back at her when he noticed she was staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Did you just.. . . meow?" She asked confused.

"What no! Damn I forgot." He said annoyed. He moved aside his robe and reveled a furry white cat, he hold it out for her.

"Snow!!" She exclaims and took the cat from him.

"I did figured that it belonged to you." He said.

"Where were you baby, momma missed you." She said to the cat, Draco chuckled seeing her interaction with the cat. She hold the cat in front of her and it licked her nose. She let a low laugh.

'She looks so beautiful when she's happy. Wait what??  Draco what are you thinking.' Draco said in his head.

"Where did you find her?" Scarlett asked holding the cat like a baby.

"I found her stuck on the tree near Hagraid's hut. He wasn't there so I rescued her." Draco replied.

"Awww thanks Draco." She said and her cat jumped out of her arms and walked up to Draco. She stood on her hind legs and licked Draco's face. Scarlett smiled at that scene.

"She likes you." She said.

"Yea I get that, she scratched Pansy few days ago." He said.

"Even animals can sense negative people." She said.

"I gotta go before Potter sees me with his girl." Draco said and put her cat on the ground beside her.

"Alri- wait what? Potter's girl? Who told you that?" Scarlett asked asked.

"Barrie and Pansy, half of the school knows it." He replied.

"What!!" She exclaimed and her eyes turn red for few seconds. Draco backed away a little scared. She looked at the lake anger written all over her face.


"SON OF A BITCH!" She exclaims standing up with her cat and marching in the school towards the library.

"Okay, someone is in big trouble."Draco said a bit scared seeing her sudden outburst. He stood up and returned to Slytherin common room.

A/N: well it seems everyone loved my book. 5k reads this is insane.
Love you all who read my book and commented what you think. This is another chapter for you.

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