18) Its been Hell of a Year

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It's been few days now from setting Sirius free, today was last day of the school and Scarlett was walking towards DADA class to meet Professor Lupin with Harry. They both entered the empty class room and marched to teacher's office. Professor Lupin was packing all his things up. Harry was about to knock as professor's back was turned to them.

"Come in Harry and Scarlett." He said then turned around.

"I saw you coming." He said pointing at the map and his appearance was not very good looking, scratches on his face and bruises.

"I've looked worse, believe me." He said. We both looked at the empty bookshelves and open suitcase.

"You've been sacked." Harry said.

"Resigned actually." Professor replied.

"But why?" Scarlett asked.

"It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition." Professor said.

"Snape." Harry said.

"Whoever. It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a werewolf teaching their children." Professor said and flicked his wand at the suitcase, it packed itself up neatly and closed it.

"But Dumbledore-" Harry started but cut off by professor

"Has already risked enough on my behalf, well let's just say I am used to this by now." Professor said.

"Well you are not used to my powers so I must apologize to you professor." Scarlett said.

"No need Scarlett, you did what was necessary. If your mother was here she would've done the same." Professor said handing her a small black box.

"And Harry about your petronus I didn't mention it takes the shape of a animal which represent your guardian animal. What was your petronus look like?" Professor asked

"It was a stag." Harry replied.

"That's what your father turned into to keep me company when I am sick. Great man James." Professor said.

"So before I leave Scarlett, Harry take care of yourself and don't get in any trouble. Mischief Managed." Professor said then tapped his wand on the map. He smiled at us then left. Scarlett and Harry looked at each other for a moment.

"What's in the box?" He asked

"I don't know." She replied.

Harry took the map from the table and they both left. Scarlett got separated from Harry and walked towards the astronomy tower with her cat trailing behind her. She sat on the staircase near a window which gave the beautiful view of front courtyard.

She placed the box on her lap and opened it. It had a envelope in there. She opened the envelope and unfold the letter and read it:

Dear Scarlett,

It's me mom, I am writing this letter to you because I don't have much time left. There is this evil coming, his name is Voldemort. He killed my friends James and Lily and now he is coming after you and I have to fight him, he is stronger than me so I have to use my full powers. It won't kill him but me, I could only make him very weak. I am sorry honey but this is only way he won't come after you. Please forgive me honey for not being there for you. I love you and your dad more than anything and will love you forever.

                                                    Love Mom.

As she finished reading the letter tears streamed down her face, she took a deep breath and wiped her tears away, her cat meowed at her.

"Look Snow it's mom's letter." She said to her cat, she kept the letter away and found her mother's other stuff in the box. It had her wand she picked up her wand and examined it.

"Cherry wood, Phoenix's feather 9 3/4 inches and slightly supple. It's the same combination of my wand except mine have fire wood." She mumbled to herself and smiled. She kept the wand back and picked up a small album book, she opened it and there was a big group photo, she scanned the faces and spotted a familiar face it was the same woman she saw in the crystal. Tears formed in her eyes once more but she smiled at the picture.

"So it was you." She mumbled. Her cat meowed again, she picked up her cat and hold her close to her chest,

"Look Snow it's mom." She said and her cat licked her face.

"Awww that's so sweet of you Snow." She said to her cat, then it jumped and sat on the upper stair. She flipped few pages and came across a picture of Tony and her Mom, the picture was moving they both were spinning around and looked happy.
Scarlett smiled wide at how different Tony looked.

She flipped through more pages and found another picture of her parents holding a baby, this picture was also moving. She smiled and flipped through more pictures. It had young James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Pettigrew and others she couldn't recognize. She closed the album and took a deep breath once more. She looked out of the window and smiled.

"Thank you Mom for everything." She mumbled. She packed the stuff and walked to her dorm. She kept the box in her bag and went out in the front yard, everyone was running out after Harry.

"What what's going on here?" Scarlett asked.

"Harry got a new broom and it's famous Firebolt." Neville said.

"That's awesome." She said and smiled.

"Scarlett wanna join him." Ron mocked.

"Nope but I think Barrie will happily join him." Scarlett replied. Harry blushed and took off the ground. He screamed happily flying in the sky. Scarlett laughed after seeing him blush.

"Didn't join him?" Draco walked up to her.

"Nah I like my feet on the ground what about you?" She replied.

"Same here." He replied.

"You're not so bad Draco. You just have to drop that quirky attitude of yours." She said.

"Why does that attitude of mine got a thing on you?" He asked mocking.

"No but sometimes it make me feel to punch you in your perfect teeth." She replied smirking.

"Whoop I'll try." He said putting his hands up in air.

"So wanna be friends?" She asked extending her hand.

"Sure friend." He replied shaking her hand. They both smiled at each other.

A/N: so anyone wants a face reveal chapter after last chapter. Only one chapter remained then this book is finished so comment down if you want a face reveal chapter at the end of the book. Stay safe and healthy guys.

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