I'm not really sure what the fuck I'm doing but I'm just gonna roll with it. Okay?So this "diary" is basically gonna be what the description says. It's just a look inside my brain and a chance for me get shit off my chest. I'm not sure why anyone cares but it's probably a great shot at distracting you from your own bullshit while relieving me of mine.
I guess this is not really an entry? It's more of an intro right? I'm gonna change the name...... there we go.
So I hope you enjoy my mess of a mind and don't think I'm crazy.
All the love,
L x(That's right bitches! I'm a Henry stiles Stan)
(Sorry that was kinda rude. I don't know why I called you that. It was just kinda in the moment ya know?)
ANYWAY........... enjoy!!

Living in my head
RandomA lovely insight into all the broken bullshit I think about. I swear I'm not crazy.