Chapter 32

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I dedicate this chapter for the birthday girl, AmazingGalaxy :)

btw, happy reading guys


*Cassandra's POV

"Oh god. Where have you been?" Nash sighed as I walked to the living room, the guys were staying there with their phone.

"I kept texting and calling you. I was so worried" Taylor said. 

"We were so worried" Aaron corrected.

"Where were you?" Nash walked toward me and then he hugged me.

"I-I'm sorry. I just... went for a walk" I said. 

"In the rain?" he yelled.

"You don't have to yell at me!" I yelled back. My eyes were wareting now. Why would my brother yell at me? "Why did you yell at me?"

"Because..." he stopped. "I was so worried. You're my sister. what if something happens to you?" he half yelled. I didn't reply. The whole room went silent.

"I-i..." Tears escaped from my eyes. I couldn't handle this anymore, I was too emotional for this situatuion. Before I finish my sentence I ran upstairs to Mahogany and I's room. Shawn tried to stop me by holding my hand but I was stronger so I just let go.

I kept crying and crying in my room. Why Nash yelled at me? He never yell at me before. Why would he yells at me in this situation? I already feeling so sad because of Matt and now Nash made me want to cry more.

I heard a knock on the door. I didn't bother to open it. I still laying on my bed. The door swung open and I heard someone says "Hey," I turn around to see Taylor. I gave him a small smile. I sat on my bed and he joined me. "Why were you crying?" he asked. I shrugged. "You don't have to cry for nothing." I didn't reply. "Well, you can tell me everything. I'll always here to help you." he told me. "It was Nash" I sighed. "What's up with him?" he replied. "He never yell at me before." My eyes full of tears now. Why am I so emotional? "Well, maybe he was worried about you. He is your brother and he doesn't want anything happen to his beloved sister," he said. "He yelled at you because he cares for ya. He yelled at you because he loves you and he wants to be a good brother for you. He loves you and you love him" he continued. "No, I love you more." I said to Taylor. "You're the best brother I've ever have. You're better than Nash." I smiled brightly. He didn't answer but looked down. "Oh please don't make me cry" he murmured. I laughed at him. We spent hours by telling funny story about Matt and I. Taylor knows how to lift my mood.

"And then, when Matthew shaking the cola bottle, you and him ran toward the couch if the bottle will explode. But nothing happen," he said. "But,"

"But what?" I asked excitedly

"When Cameron and Nash walked to the room, Nash said wow cola! then he opened the bottle but it exploded. That way, the entire room was filled with cola" he laughed. "And Matt and you burst into laughter"

"Really? omg I was a bad kid" I laughed. 

"Yes, you were" We both laughed.

We heard a kcock on the door, and Mahogany walked in. "Hey, dinner is ready. Everyone is already in dininng room" she told us and then walked out the room. "Okay. We'll be there in 2 minutes" Taylor said.

"Come on. Everyone is waiting for us" he said.

"You go first. I need to change my clothes." I replied.

"Okay. See ya downstairs"

"Bye. I love you, you're the best brother eva" I raised both my thumbs.

As Taylor out, I changed my clothes into some pjs and I put my hair in ponytail. I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I headed downstairs to dining room and everyone had been in there. I toot a seat between Taylor and Hayes. "There you are" Hayes greeted me and I smiled as a reply. I took a quick look at Nash, and he had a guilty look on his face. I ignored him and talking with Taylor and Hayes. Shawn sat on the other side of me with Aaron on the left. I could feel he kept looking at me while I talked with Taylor and Hayes. And I could feel he smiled at me causing me to blushed. Can he just stop looking a me? 

-after dinner-

"Okay guys, I'm going to my room. Oh yeah thanks for the dinner Mrs. Espinosa!" I said before I made my way upstairs. I just need time alone.

"Don't you want watching movie with us?" Hayes said made me stop.

I shook my head. "No, thanks. I feel tired." I replied.

I made my way to my room, as soon as I reached my room I brushed my teeth and then jumped to bed. I wasn't sleepy at all but I felt kinda tired. I plugged my headphone to my phone and listening to some songs that made me sleepy. Finally, I fell asleep.

I woke up in the midde of the night. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 01:13 am. Ugh I looked around the room and I was alone. Where's Mahogany? Oh nevermind, she probably with the guys watching some film. I tried to sleep again but I couldn't, so I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen and drink a glass of milk. It helped me fell asleep anyway. 

I closed the door and headed downstairs. I saw everyone already fell asleep with TV still on. I sighed and turn the TV off. I made my way to the kitchen, grabbed a glass and poured milk on it. I was about to drank it but someone called my name causing me to coughed. "Cassandra!" they said. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I turned around to saw Shawn with guilty look. "*cough* give me *cough* give me a glass of water *cough* please *cough*" I coughed. "Uh... sure." He handed me a glass of water and I drank it. "Feel better?" he asked worried. I shook my head. "No?" he frowned. "You nearly killed me!!!" I whisper/yelled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" He said. "I'm sorry. I really am" he repeated. "Okay Okay." I sighed. 

"So, What are you up to?" he asked.

"What are you up to?" I asked back.

"That's my word. That's my question" 


"ugh... why are you so annoying?" 

"Am I?" 

"um not really"

"well, Okay" I shrugged.

He sighed "What are you up to?" 

"I can't sleep." I replied. "what are you up to?" I asked.

"I'm hungry" 

"I thought you were Shawn" I pretended to surprised

He rolled his eyes "are you always like this?"

"Not really." I raised an eyebrow.

I finished my drink and put it on the sink. Shawn grabbed jar full of cookies and eat 'em. "You want some?" he offered me a cookie. I shook my head no. And it went silent, not an awkward one a nice one. "can't sleep, huh?" Shawn broke the silent. "Uh-huh" I replied. "Wanna go for a walk?" he suggested. "What? It's a middle of the night" I refused. "well, Okay then. I'll walk alone" he smirked and leave the kitchen. "wait," I stopped him made him to turn around. "I'll go with you" I said. He had a smirk on his face omg he's hot, wait What? I grabbed my phone and walk to him. He opened the front door and let me out first. "ladies first" he smiled.

He shut the door and we started walking on the sidewalk. He held my hand causing me to blushed, so I just looked down all the way. I felt butterflies on my stomach What the hell is this? "someone's blushing" Shawn spoke up. I could tell he was smirking. "No I'm not" I looked up at him. "Oh really?" he teased. "you know What?" he asked. "What?" I replied. "you're cute when you're blushing" he chuckled making me to blush even more, so I just looked down. "w-where are we going?" I questioned. "You'll see" he simply replied.
Where do you think they will go? 
Okay thanks for reading. 
also, check out my book "Truth or Dare"
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ily ❤❤❤

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