Chapter 36

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*Cassandra's POV

"Cassandra?" a voice called, and I turned around.

"Oh hey, Hayes. weren't you going to your friend's house?" I asked.

"yeah, but when I back to home I saw your phone in the kitchen table and there's a note saying that you and Sky are going to the park." he explained. "I know you forgot about your phone, so I decided to give you... this" he handed me my phone.

"thank you so much, Hayes." I thanked him.

"ma pleasure" he replied.

"Haaaaaaas!!!" Sky ran to us from the swing.

"Sky!!!" Hayes opened his arms and picked her up.

"I want ice cream!" she asked.

"okay, let's go buy ice cream for you!" he said. "Come on" he said yo me.

"I want chocolate flavor" Sky shouted.

"okay Sky..." Hayes reached for money from his pocket. "what flavor do you want?" he asked me.

"Um vanilla please."

"okay," he nodded. "One chocolate and two vanilla please." he said to the seller.

After we paid for our ice creams, we sat on a bench while watching Sky paying in a sand box with other children in her age. "You want my ice cream?" Hayes offered.

"It's a same flavor as mine." I giggled.

"Right" he sighed. We continued eating our ice creams in silent.

"Cassandra?" Hayes broke the silent.


"Can I talk to you, um"

"talk then" I said and licked my ice cream one more time.

"um not here. we can talk while walk around" he suggested.

"okay." I shrugged. "I'll get Sky" I stood up and walked to Sky while was having sand all over her shirt.

"wait," Hayes grabbed my hand. "just two of us."

"okay" I said with question tone. "I'll tell Sky to wait here."

"It won't take a long time. Just a few minutes, I promise."

I gave him a nod and then ran towards the sand box. "Hey Sky!"

"Hi hi come here let's play sand!" she said.

"Well, can you wait in here until Hayes and I come back?" I asked.

She frowned and nodded slowly.

I stroke her hair. "Good girl. We'll be back in 5. bye Sky" I stood up but Sky hugged my leg. "buy me a bagel!" he begged.

"okay Sky" I sighed.

"With cream cheese!!!"

"okay Sky okay. Be right back" I waved my hand.


"so, what are you going to say?" I asked while we walked around.

"um I just want to say that... I... I love you" he said.

"I love you too, Hayes" I giggled.

"No no... not in that way." he held both of my hands. his hands we're cold and shaky. was he nervous?

"I don't get it" I shook my head.

"I... I love you Cassandra. I really do. Not in the bfother-sister way." he looked into my eyes, that made me feeling nervous.

"I'm confused." I shrugged. what was he talking about? I didn't get it.

He ran his fingers trough his hair and let out a sigh "I love you..." he stopped. "In this way" he leaned in and kissed me on my lips. what the hell is going on here? I shocked and quickly pushed him. I looked at him with wide eyes and I rubbed my lips with my hand. why did he do that to me?

I looked at him one more time before I ran away from him. Some times, I turned my head. He stood there doing nothing. I ran until I reached the sand box. Sky was still there playing with other kids. "Sky, come on! We're better go home now. Look at the sky it's about to rain soon." I pointed the Sky above us.

"haha it's funny when you said Sky. That's my name." she laughed while looking up at the sky.

"Come on!" I picked her up and cleaned her shirt that covered by sand.

"Where's my bagel?" she questioned.

I sighed. Oh I forgot that. "I forgot, Sky." I replied. "Oh! what if I make you a sandwich as soon as we got home?" I suggested. She nodded simply. "Where's has?" she asked. Hearing that name made my heart beating faster. "um he... he's with his friends" I lied. She gave me a single nod. "Okay let's go home!" I said.


"Here's your sandwich, Sky" I gave her a plate of sandwich.

"Yay... thank you." she clapped her hands. "Do you want some?" she offered, her mouth was full of food. I shook my head no.

"Um Sky? don't you tired? Do you want to take a nap?" I asked.

"Uh-huh but let me finish my sandwich first." she replied. I nodded.

After Sky had finish her sandwich, I took her to her bed for sleep. And then I went to my room.

It was 3 pm and Nash and mom hadn't come back to home, so was Hayes. I wondered where he was.

I spent my time laying on my comfortable bed, thinking about what was happen earlier. Why would he kiss me? I was really really confused. Why he kissed me?

One thing that made me more confusused was, there was a part of me that kissed him back...


I'll post the next chapter if you help me get 10-20 votes on my other book TRUTH OR DARE

Just want to say that this story is going to end soon.

thank you for reading this chapter

add me on kik: MonsterMendes 

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