Part 2

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Shilpa's POV:

I was trying to sleep but wasn't able to, my concentration was on the same question which has fastened me tightly, since the whole day. I was constantly switching off and on the table lamp, while lying on the bed and trying to find out the reason of my recruitment in such a prestigious and eminent business empire, that too for the job of executive manager. After all, I wasn't working for a year.

But as usual I wasn't getting answer, and when the slumber did enveloped me.

Armaan's POV:

It was just a usual night for me, as in, there was no night when I slept at time, but still this was something new. I recruited a girl without taking her interview, I didn't even check her resume out, and just appointed her like that. I was so anxious with that, because it was so unexpected by me for the other shareholders, especially Riddhima and top of that, for me. Even, I had never ever expected that from myself.

So, I had to think something, to escape myself from the situation with which I was dealing through, as in I was not at all in situation to answer the major share holders, if that girl... Uhh!! I didn't even remember her name... well whatever it was. The significant dilemma which has occupied my mind was, what if that girl will not worth the job of executive manager, which we were offering her, so I'd to decide something from which I can escape from this situation very well and heads I win and tails she loose.

I didn't want to lose my reputation and the value of my verdict in front of the whole management, so I needed to find the loophole so she can be employed as well as I wouldn't lose my reputation.

And after being tired I searched for the TV remote to switch on the television set, just to mislead my concentration from the topic which has shrouded my mind from the whole day. Alas! I didn't find it anywhere and after getting pissed off I switched it on using the thumb pads on the TV set, and suddenly a grin changed my expressions from the worry and angst.


Shilpa's POV:

Phew!! I have got ready for the first day of my office and was peacefully having breakfast on the dining table when suddenly a hand came towards my platter and snatched the slice of bread from it, and without having a look over the face, I understood who it was, as in it was HIS daily habit. Oops! I mean Sid's daily habit.

I pointed the sharp knife all stained in butter in his direction and screamed, "Give my toast back"

"Not done yaar! I'm feeling hungry", Sid replied back in his signature not-so-funny tone.

I pouted back and rolled my eyes, and Chote Papa came to my vision suddenly, who was sitting beside me, as I was so sure that what may ever happen in the universe, he will going to be my side not on his son's, so a mischievous trick collided to my brain.

"Chote Papa! I'm going to shift in a PG next month", I mimicked as I was so serious about that and then grinned my lips, in a manner so no one can witness my expression with which I lasted.

Chote Papa literally dropped his spoon on his platter which clanked loudly when destined to it, as it was pin drop silence.

"What happen?", Now I'd realized that this has become too much and now I wanted to correct myself but no one looked at me as in my trick played back on me, for the first time.

"Padma!!", Chote Papa called loudly.

"Yes!!", she replied worriedly as she has understood that this was my foolish prank so everyone can scold Sid and now I have caught.

"Pack the bags, now!", he ordered as if he was so serious and will now throw me out of the house.

Sid banged his head at the whole situation and I coughed with moist eyes and left the chair, "Cho--", but before I could utter a word he interrupted me, "Padma! Didn't you get me, pack the bags of this boy and throw him out of the house".

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