Chapter 2: It's a rare pleasure to meet you.

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Anne was terrified.

Why did I do that?

Why wasn't I paying attention in front of me?

Why am I so stupid?

Why didn't I even say hello?

He probably hates me.


The teenage boy though, wasn't angry. He was just confused.

His name was Gilbert Blythe and he was 16 too, just like Anne. He was, as someone would say, the "popular guy" but he didn't like titles at all. He thought these type of things were plain stupid, and he didn't like putting people in categories. He had a lot of friends, that's true, but a few good ones that he felt like he could actually trust. He was one of the best students and specifically, he wanted to be a doctor.

The boy was absolutely flattered.

Wow, she's so cute, he thought to himself after a girl bumped into him one day at school. She had two tightly braided braids but when she bent down to grab her books from the floor, some of her baby hairs escaped and landed on the front of her face. Her hair was red, and it reminded him of beautiful sunsets and for a second he even wondered if her hair was made of out actual gold.

She's probably new, I haven't seen her before.

He stared at her admiringly as she was picking up her things. It was when she looked up at him that he realized he wasn't helping her.

Oh shoot. He leaned down to actually help, but she immediately got up quickly and started walking away, almost running.

Oh great. What an amazing impression the new girl has of me now.

He didn't even know her name. How could he be so stupid and not help her earlier? How could he be that rude to not ask about her name?

She probably hates me now.


In Anne's first class, she met a girl named Diana Barry. She thought Diana was so lovely and kind. She had long black curly hair and a sweet personality. She was gorgeous too, and Anne had a feeling that they might be kindred spirits!

"Would you like to join me and my friends for lunch?" Diana asked kindly.

"Oh, Diana! It would be an honor! Thank you so much I definitely will!"

After a long day, with Anne not finding anyone else who wanted to talk to her except Diana, lunch time arrived.

The polite and beautiful girl Anne had met earlier in that day was waiting for her in front of the cafeteria so Anne wouldn't be alone trying to find their table.

What a kind soul, Anne thought to herself.

"Hello Anne! Here's our table." Diana said while pointing at where her friends were sitting.

"Hey guys! Here's Anne, my new friend."

"It's written with an E." Anne clarified, smiling widely at three girls and one boy in front of her.

Diana sat down and pointed for Anne to sit next to her.

"Nice to meet you Anne, I'm Ruby.", a cute blonde girl gave her hand for Anne to shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ruby."

"Hey, I'm Jane." another girl waved at her and continued eating her lunch.

"I'm Cole." the boy announced, smiling. He was the only male in their little team and he had honey-ish hair. Although they were all sitting down, Anne could tell he was extremely tall.

"Hello Anne, I'm Tillie."

"It's a rare pleasure to meet you all." said the redhead while not being able to hide her excitement.

"So, let me present you our little group."
Cole started.

"Jane is the one who likes gossipin-"

"No I don't!" Jane snapped, while still having food in her mouth.

"Yes you do, moving on. I'm the one who listens to everyone's problems basically, while not caring about my own."

"I'm a good listener and I would love to listen about your problems." Anne answered him kindly. She liked talking a lot, but she was a great listener as well.

"Thank you. Diana is the one who's afraid of everything, Tillie is the chill one and finally Ruby is the one who has liked everyone." he said that last part and then started laughing.

"Not everyone!" She giggled.

"She liked Gilbert for 5 years, she also liked Charlie some months ago but now she likes.. I actually don't know, who do you like now Ruby?"

"I don't know. I haven't found anyone handsome enough. And Gilbert is sad. And I decided I don't like sad boys."

"Who's Gilbert again?" Anne questioned. She didn't even know about who they're talking about.

"There he is." Diana said, motioning to the guy Anne had bumped into the same morning.

"And the guy next to him is Charlie." said Cole.

"Oh.", was all she could say. It would be extremely humiliating if she told them what happened earlier involving this specific boy.

"Don't you find him cute?" Tillie said after she swallowed, the conversation had gotten a bit more interesting with Gilbert Blythe and his friends being the main topic.

"What is he sad about?" Anne asked avoiding Tillie's question, while turning her head back to their table.

"His father died last year and now he's staying with his aunt. And before you ask, we don't know anything about his mother, where she is or if she's dead or not." Jane answered. Anne was a bit taken aback because she thought Jane wasn't really paying attention to their conversation, but she was. She was just busy with her food, and when she finished it she finally spoke up and gave the new girl the information she needed.

"Yeah.. he missed a lot of school last year. He was extremely sad but now he's definitely better." Diana sighed.

"I am his friend but we were never that close for me to ask him about his mother." she continued.


A/N: okay so, my goal for this story is being able to update about two times a week. Soooo, for me to be able to do that, I've decided that the chapters are going to be smaller. Smaller than this and the first one, sorry. But I want to update frequently and that's the only way I can possibly do that.

thank you SO MUCH for reading,
you're wonderful
- athina
[ps. this chapter probably has typos but I think I'm editing it tomorrow so yeAh I hope I make sense🤩🤩]

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