Chapter 8: That boy isn't my friend.

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Anne and Gilbert avoided each other for the rest of the day.

He's such an idiot, she repeated to herself while they were walking back to their class, none of them turning to look at one another. That boy was being extremely rude and disrespectful. Pull a new girl's braid and then blame her? He was such a spoiled, immature child.


When lunchtime arrived, Diana was waiting for her at the same spot as the previous day.

"Anne! How are you?"

"I'm okay." Anne stopped at her tracks as she noticed where they were headed to. "No, no, no, no, no! Diana! We can't sit there!"

"Why not? All of our friends are sitting there."

Anne gave a her a serious look. "That boy isn't my friend. And will never be."


"That wicked boy Gilbert Blythe that all he ever wants to do is hassle me!"

"What?" Diana laughed, knowing Gilbert too well. It was known that he was a tease, but he wasn't a bad person. "What did he do?"

Anne sighed. "Can we please sit somewhere else today? I'll tell you what happened but I can't do that if we keep standing in the middle of the cafeteria!"

Diana looked at her friends laughing and eating all together, then at Anne. She sighed. "Okay then."


"So.. he pulled your hair,  you slapped him and now you'll have to spend the afternoon writing an essay in the same room with the 'shall-not-be-mentioned' boy?" Diana chuckled.

"Unfortunately." Anne groaned.

"You haven't really given him a chance though. He's a good guy, I've known him for quite a while."

"I've given him plenty of chances to apologize and he didn't."

A/N: hopefully I'll double update today

ty for reading

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