Chapter 3: I have to go.

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"Okay that's enough. She probably doesn't care about details Jane." Cole said.

"But why wouldn't she? I bet she would question it herself after a while. It's weird seeing the most popular guy in school being sad, and I'm sure Anne would want to know the reason at some point." Jane answered. She definitely didn't like gossiping.

"Let's change the topic. Anne, I'm sorry we haven't let you talk about yourself. Start talking already!" Cole told Anne as he turned his head to look at her, ready to listen.

"Oh! It's a really weird feeling being in front of people who actually wanna listen to you." She smiled as she realized everyone was paying attention to her.

"Usually, people want me to stop talking. But I would be more than happy to introduce myself!" She continued as she stood up, receiving weird looks from other students, but her friends, or more specifically the people she hoped would end up being her friends, didn't seem to mind.

"First of all," she started as she sat down again, "my name is Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. I always insist than my name is written with an E because it looks much more distinguished. Anne without an E looks miserable. I always wished my name was Cordelia. It is such a magical name, don't you agree?" She giggled excitedly, but her face turned more serious as she was about to announce something more important.

"Well, it is only fair that I inform you that I'm an orphan, which means I don't have parents. More specifically, I never met them. But I was lucky enough to be adopted by the kindest souls, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. They welcomed me in their lovely home and treated me and still treat me like their own child." She exhaled, lowing her tone so only her hoping-to-be friends could hear.

"I am forever grateful for that." She continued.

Diana started patting her back.

"I'm so happy you found a family to take care of you." She said. Diana was so acceptable and encouraging with everyone.

"Me too." Tillie told her, reaching for Anne's hand across the table.

"Yes, me too. I hope you'll like this new environment, our school. I know it isn't the best, but we'll do everything for you to have a wonderful time here." Cole joined.

"We have your back, don't worry." Ruby added.

"Everything will be fine, as long as we stay out of drama." advised Jane.

"Says you." Cole laughed, and everyone joined him.

Tillie turned her head and noticed Gilbert and Charlie coming to their table.

"Diana! Charlie's coming! He's with Gilbert too!" She whisper shouted.

"Oh no!" Diana panicked, and she covered her face with her palms.

"Who's coming?" Anne spoke normally, causing everyone to shush her.

"Hello. Can we sit with you guys?" Gilbert asked, his eyes landing on Anne, who was looking at the floor, feeling completely embarrassed.

"Yes, why not." Cole said, looking at Diana teasingly.

"I'm sorry I have to go." Anne announced, standing up and grabbing her belongings as fast as she could. She started walking away from them, wanting to exit the cafeteria.

"Wait! Are you alright?" Gilbert rushed, slightly worried if she was okay or was just ignoring him and his friend.

"I'm fine." She said simply, walking away not even turning around to face him. She couldn't. It would be too humiliating interacting with him again, she had been completely rude earlier and didn't wanna embarrass herself even more.



[it's a long author's note but read it and comment if you did please, so I know]

heyy lol, as I said, that's a smaller chapter but I updated sooner so yeah! my plan is working hehe.
also, I haven't edited this and chapter 2 yet so yeah I hope I make sense oof, I'll edit later I'm bored.

also, yEah ruby does nOt like Gilbert in this, because I always wanted her to not like him, and you know whAt? it's my story and I can do whatever I want🤪
"do whatever you want!"

some questions plEase answer
-thoughts on this story??
-is it like easy to read? does it go by quickly?
-predictions? lol

thanks for reading this big author's note, you're very very nice

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