Chapter 7: Stop being so annoying.

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And just like that, he lightly pulled the braid he was holding.

Well, at least he meant to pull it lightly, but he ended up pulling it quite harshly.

Oh no.

Anne, with a quick move, took her textbook and slapped him with it.

"Leave me alone!"

The boy squealed in pain, causing all of their classmates to stop everything there were doing and stare at them, whispering things and starting rumors.

"Shirley!" Mr. Smith shouted. Anne could see the disappointed expression on his face. He really didn't expect the new, quite shy girl to act this way.

Anne felt bad for giving a bad impression to a teacher, but also felt extremely mad at Gilbert for pulling her hair and making her have to hit him.

"Sir, it was my fault. I teased her."
He said, while lowering his palm from his cheek.

"Oh my god!" Mr. Smith said, after he got closer to them, noticing the teenage boy's dark red cheek.

Everyone started laughing.

"Quiet everyone."

"Now, you two go to the principal's office."

"What did I do? I was defending myself!" Anne spoke up.

"I'm not hearing any of it."

Both of them slowly got up and started walking down the hall.

"I'm sorry." Gilbert broke the awkward silence.

"You should be." Anne answered, not even turning her head to look at him.

"You could have slapped me a bit less aggressively." He stated, turning to look at her.

"You could have not pulled my hair in the first place." She said, still not looking at his direction. She started walking faster.

"Hey! Wait!" He catched up with her.

She stopped and turned around to face him.

"Stop being so annoying."

"Oh, so now I'm the annoying one? I've literally tried talking to you like three times. You were the one not responding and ignoring me."

"So you were like 'oh, she won't talk to me so let's pull her hair and make her feel bad about herself'." She answered sassily, mocking his voice.
She turned around again and continued walking.

"That wasn't my intention."

"So what was your intention, huh?"


I wanted to have your attention?
I'm not used to being ignored?
I thought pulling your hair was a good idea?

Before he could say anything though, they arrived at the principal's office.


"She slapped me so aggressivel-"

"I had to defend myself!"


"He pulled my braid so harshly my head still hur-"

"I said that wasn't my intention!!"

"I don't care what your intention was!!"

"Stop talking!"

They both closed their mouths and looked down.

"I just asked what happened. And that means telling what actually happened without exaggerations."

"I wasn't exaggerating!" The two teenagers said at the same time.

"Yeah." Mr. Jones leaned on his desk and looked at Gilbert. Then at Anne. "Right." He sat back again.

"You two just got detention. Why? Because you're being so rude to each other and not respecting each other's presence. Also, because none of you won't admit what actually happened in there."

Mr. Jones really wasn't a strict principal. But when it came to the students' behavior, everyone knew he would make zero exceptions.

"You'll be spending the evening at the school library, together. Not talking, just writing an essay about why you think all students should respect one another."

They nodded.

"All right then, have a good day kids." He got up and gestured them to go outside.



im so excited oml.
this story will be hUge BUT ITS TURNING THE WAY I WANT IT TO.

and hey! im actually updating quite frequently so be proud!😂

tysm for reading


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