Chapter 4: Diana?

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Gilbert turned around and saw his friends trying to hold their laughter.

He sat down next to Charlie, confused.

Gilbert Blythe was definitely not used to being ignored, especially from girls and no one was used to seeing him being ignored as well.

He had never been rejected before and the confusion on his face made everyone laugh.

Everyone was silent, trying to hold their giggles when Cole finally gave up and started laughing loudly, everyone except Gilbert joining him.

"What's so funny?" Gilbert asked.

"Have you seen your face?" Cole said and continued laughing.

"Maybe she didn't like her lunch." Ruby told them after the laughter on the table had died down.

"Yeah, definitely." Charlie answered while elbowing Gilbert.

"Guys, seriously. Is she okay?" the confused boy questioned, and you could see the concern in his eyes.

"She's fine, don't worry." Diana answered him, reassuring her friend's health.

"Then why did she run away from us?"

"You." corrected Cole making everyone laugh again.

"She's new and probably shy." Jane joined the conversation.

"But she was talking to us some minutes ago." Tillie said confused.

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow why she had to go so quickly." Diana spoke up, not wanting to talk about Anne behind her back.

"So, are you two eating lunch with us this year?" She changed the topic, getting a little confidence after she noticed everyone listened to her and didn't continue the conversation about Anne.

She raised her eyebrows at the two boys.

"Only if you want us to." Charlie answered, looking directly in her eyes, causing her to look down immediately, not holding the eye contact at all.

"It wouldn't be too bad." Ruby admitted.

"It would be a great idea, actually." Gilbert said, turning to Charlie as if trying to say with his eyes that he better agree too.

"I guess we could." said Charlie, getting the hint from Gilbert. But another reason he agreed is because he would interact with Diana more frequently.

"So it's a deal." Tillie said happily, taking a bite of her food.

"Indeed." Gilbert answered.


When the final bell rang that day, Anne rushed to Green Gables like someone was chasing her.

She definitely wasn't pleased with her first day of school.

"Oh Marilla! It was terrible."

"What happened child?" Marilla answered, being used to Anne being dramatic.

In response, Anne groaned and went upstairs to her room.

She reached for her phone, wanting to distract herself from that day's events.

She had messages from an unknown number.

'hey anne'

'when can I call you?'

At the moment she was about to ask who it was, that number started calling her.


"Hey Anne!"


"That's me!"

"How did you get my number?"

"Oh, I just told the principal I needed it because we were working on a project together and he gave it to me." Diana laughed at how easily she got it.

"Oh wow." Anne joined her.

"What happened today?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you leave so quickly at lunch? And why did you run out of school like someone was chasing you with a knife?"

Anne laughed once again.

"I'm sorry."

"No! Don't be sorry! I just needed to call to make sure you're okay. You are, right?"

"Yeah, don't worry."

"But why did you leave?"

"Oh Diana! Can I please tell you tomorrow at school? Please!"

"Yes of course! See you then!"




A/N: heY I think I'm updating again soon hehe.

also, yeah at our schools principals have information like this at their offices for being able to contact us, I'm sorry if that concept doesn't make sense with your school system😂

I think there's no typos, but if there are I hope I make sense lol

have a nice day🤙🏻


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