Chapter 9: Aren't you going to apologize?

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note: i haven't updated this in literal YEARS so like if you don't remember anything just go read the last paragraphs of the previous chapter uwu>:)
get yourselves prepared for a big chapter ladies!

Diana laughed loudly.

"What does that even mean? You just said you've been avoiding him because he's annoying."

"Yes, because he is. But he could have apologized while we were walking back to our classroom."

"Did he try apologizing before that?" Diana raised her eyebrow, knowing that he always apologizes after he messes up.

"Kind of... but I know he didn't mean it."

"Why's that?"

"I just know it."

"What did he say though?"

"He said pulling my hair that harshly wasn't his intention.. but that was a lie because he didn't tell me his actual intention after I asked him." Anne explained, finishing off her food.

"Maybe he wanted to get your attention." Diana suggested, knowing that she was right.

"You know what Diana? I don't wanna talk about him anymore. I'm gonna be spending a couple of hours with him anyway so let's just enjoy the time I have left."

"You sound like you're counting down the hours before you get into prison." Diana laughed again, making Anne laugh too.

"We must agree those things are quite similar."

The two friends were laughing and playing with their fries before a tall person moved their trays and sat down next to them.
It was Cole.

"So what's the tea?" He asked.

Anne laughed again. "What?"

"Tell me what happened! Why didn't you two come sit with us?"

"She got in a fight with Gil." Diana explained.

Cole gasped. "Hold up! How did you even manage to get in a relationship with him and then have a fight already?! Now it all makes sense, that's why Gilbert's so moody today!" Cole threw his hands in the air.

"We aren't in a relationship! How could we be anyway? I met you guys and everyone yesterday."

"Right.." Cole chuckled, realizing how dumb he could be from time to time.

"We can have arguments with people without being with them you know." Anne rolled her eyes.

" would be a cute couple though." Cole commented.

"I agree." Diana nodded.

"Are you two insane? I completely respect you both but that opinion is incorrect. That boy and I have nothing to do with each other! And please let's not talk about him anymore."

"Oh, so you have been talking about him haven't you?" Cole smirked.

The trio chatted and made plans for the weekend before the bell rang.


"Welcome to detention!" Mr. Jones showed them the way to the school library.

When they arrived he turned around and looked at the annoyed teenagers.

"And remember, you have to write an essay about why you think students should respect one another. Don't just sit around and start talking."

"I wouldn't talk to him anyway." Anne whispered, but it was loud enough for Gilbert to hear her, making him take a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"We have informed your parents so you don't have to worry about that." The principal explained and turned around to leave but stopped. "Oh, and don't kill each other."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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