Chapter 5: You're the new orphan right?

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Anne hanged up the phone smiling from ear to ear. She was truly blessed, she thought. Diana had just met her and she had already shown she cares about her, she even called so make sure she was okay. She dearly hoped Diana will keep liking her after she gets to know her a little better.


Gilbert Blythe has truly confused. This new redheaded girl was all he could think of for the rest of the day. She was so mysterious and pretty, and she seemed to be the kind of girl you have to really try to be able to get her attention.

Gilbert hadn't had a lot of crushes in general. In fact, he had had about two crushes in his whole life, and not too intense ones. He was the type of guy that when he had a crush or thought a girl was beautiful, he would keep it to himself and admire her silently, maybe telling his friends about it.

But now, he felt a strong and strange attraction to her. She had spoken two words to him and the boy was already falling head over heels for her.

He needed to get her attention.

He didn't exactly know what to do, but he would do something.

He knew he didn't have a lot of chances with her because she probably already hated him for being rude, and she had shown him that by walking away, but he wanted to at least try.


"Hey Anne!"

"Good morning my dearest Diana!"

Diana started laughing with Anne's sudden enthusiasm. She already loved that about her.

"Oh Diana! Your laugh is such a blessing to everyone's ears! I also hope I had your beauty, you're truly a goddess. Oh, how does it feel like being that unbelievably beautiful?"

"Oh my! Thank you! I'm not that beautiful though. But you're really pretty too, I mean it."

"I wish."

"Hey." Cole appeared from behind Anne, the girls were sitting in front of their lockers.

"Hello there Cole. Wow, you're so incredibly tall. That's amazing! I can guess being that tall must have some struggles too, but you see, it's worth it. I wish I was a bit taller myself."

Cole and Diana looked at each other and burst into laughter. She was being so incredibly positive and excited about literally everything. They both secretly admired that, and wished they were as carefree and happy as her. Most of the students in high school were grumpy and always annoyed. Sometimes including Diana and Cole's friend group too, but most of the time they were laughing or making fun of each other. If there was someone grumpy in their group one day, it would probably be Cole.

"Good morning to you too Anne." He said as he looked back at her, slowly stopping laughing.

While the pair was laughing Anne just smiled proudly, feeling even happier that she made her
possible-new-friends laugh. Little did she know they had already accepted her and wanted her to be their friend.

A blonde pretty girl appeared behind Diana, wearing a fake smile on her face.

" Hey." She greeted them. Then turned to Anne. "You're the new orphan right?"

Anne's smile quickly faded. How could a complete stranger know about her being an orphan?

Oh, right. Her math teacher, Mr Phillips had mentioned in front of the whole class the previous day that she was an orphan, probably to make her feel bad. Anne of course didn't feel bad, she was proud of who she was. But Marilla had pointed out to Anne's future teachers to not mention it in front of many people because Anne had the right to decide who knows about it and who doesn't.

Maybe Mr Phillips wasn't paying attention. But either way, now everyone knew about her, and there was nothing she could do about that.

Anne noticed Diana elbowing the other girl and whispering something.

"Well yeah, she's the new student, so? Do us a favor and leave Josie." Cole stood taller.

The blonde haired girl put her chin up and turned around, walking back to the other girls that were whispering something else, waiting for her to come back and tell them what happened.

Anne gave Cole a grateful smile. "Thanks."

"No problem, my pleasure."

Diana was watching Josie walk away, but soon enough she turned around to her friends. "That was Josie Pye. She's really stupid, try to not mind her, because she'll probably hassle you during the school year."

"We'll of course try to have your back, but she probably won't stop, she never does." Cole continued, sighing.

"Don't worry guys. I know how to handle these types of people." The redhead said, remembering her times in that orphanage.

Suddenly, the bell rang which meant it was time for first period.

"Bye Anne! See you at lunch." Diana waved at her while walking away quickly, making sure she won't be late.

"See you." Cole took another path to go to his own class.

"Bye guys!"And with that, she was left alone in front of her locker.

A/N: awee hi y'all! I took a little break from both of my stories for a while, but now I'm back with so much inspiration! I had so many ideas and inspiration that I wrote this in no time lol.
I try writing something small and different once in a while to change things up, so I guess you could check out "avonlea's one shots" they're small and lazy but writing them really helps! anyways, thanks for reading. see you soon!

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