Chapter 6: Hey! Anne.

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Anne was left alone in front of her locker, quickly trying to remember where her class was.

She grabbed her books, rushing to her first period.

She stepped in the classroom, being a little late. The only desk left was one near the middle next to Jane, who smiled at the freckled girl, but was also exactly in front of Gilbert Blythe.

Oh but of course.

It was a biology class and the tall handsome boy was one of the best students in there.

Luckily for Anne Mr. Smith, her professor, was kind enough to let her in since she was new.

"Hello miss."

"Good morning mister..."

"Smith. What's your name?"

"Oh. My name's Anne Shirley-Cuthbert."

"You're Anne." He said, but it came off as a question. He led her in the front of the classroom.

"Everyone, welcome our new student, Anne."

Half the kids were basically sleeping but the other half, including Jane and a very enthusiastic Gilbert, clapped happily.

Anne smiled and nodded and then sat down, receiving a side hug from Jane and a little squeeze on the shoulder from Gilbert, which she didn't react or respond to.

Class was going by quite quickly. Mr. Smith was really good at explaining definitions and things but Anne had a hard time understanding since she knew nothing about biology.

There were only twenty minutes left of class when Anne heard Gilbert Blythe whispering something.

"Hey." He whispered but she once again didn't respond, not sure if he was talking to her or not.

"Hey! Anne." He tapped her shoulder with his finger.

Oh, so he's talking to me.

Anne had her hair braided once again in two gorgeous French braids.

The black haired boy couldn't resist and touched one of the tight locks. She didn't notice that though because of his gentleness.

Then, suddenly, an idea popped up in his head and he thought about pulling one of them lightly, so she would finally turn around and he would have her attention at least for a bit.

Oh yeah. That's definitely going to work, he thought.

That didn't end very well.

A/N: hi:) I changed a lot of things on my profile and stories hehe and now I feel better about them and my account. I'm gonna be updating soon. (for real!)

so yeah it would mean a lot if you checked the things I changed and tell me your opinions on them.

please vote and comment!

thank you<3


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