Ch 2

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After lunch, Pidge parted ways with Keith and walked down to science. Science was her favorite subject. She always got to show off in that class, but when she got to class she noticed something was different. She noticed Lance at a desk in the back of the room.

'Has he always been there?' she thought to herself

Lance looked up at her and smiled. Pidge took notice that she was staring at him and rushed to her seat.

Lance chuckled to himself and went back to flirting with Allura, the new girl in their class. There was something about her that just clicked in his head. When he first saw her, it was like he fell in love.

"Welcome to Science. Now get in you're seats so we can start class." Ms. Aria said as she walked to her seat.

Everyone shuffled to their seat and Lance hopped off of his desk and sat down. Pidge already had her notes out ready to write.

"Today we are learning about space." Ms.Aria announced, "First question, What galaxy is Earth located in?"

Pidge shot up her hand.

"Yes, Katie?"

"The Milky Way galaxy!"

"Good! Now get out your notes and copy down the slides on the board."

After class, Pidge was still adding to her notes when Lance stopped by her desk.

"Hey Pidge!"

"Oh hi, Lance. Thank you again for helping me up at lunch."

"No Problem, Pidge. I'm always here to help the ladies." Lance flexed.

Pidge blushed and looked away. 'Why I am blushing,' she thought to herself, 'I never blush'.

"Well I need to get to History." She said as she packed up her stuff and rushed hurriedly out the door.

Lance wondered if he said something wrong but he quickly shrugged it off and went to his next class.

While Pidge was being flustered in the hall, Keith caught up to her.

"Hey, Pidge!" Keith grabbed her shoulders.

Pidge yelped,"Oh, hey Keith. Ready for History?"

"Yeah." Keith noticed that she was blushing."Why are you blushing? You never blush."

"I know! There's got to be something wrong with me.

"Do you have a crush on someone?"Keith teased.

"I-I don't know, maybe..."she trailed off.

Keith wanted to pester her more but she would probably slap him, so it would be best if he didn't.

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