Ch 6

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Keith was going to do some digging. He decided where else to start but with Allura.

"Hey, Allura."

"Oh Hey... do I know you?"Allura replied.

"Maybe, maybe not. I'm Keith."

"Well hello, Keith."

"Well, I want to know something."

"Yes, go on."

"What do you think about Lance?"

"Wow straight to the personal questions, huh."

Keith wondered if he came off too strong," Sorry, I just wanted to know."

"Oh it's ok. Well I think Lance is nice and kind, don't get me wrong, but I just didn't want to embarrass him in front of the whole school so that's why I said yes. I hope he knows we are just going as friends."

Keith thanked Allura for the answer and ran off. He left Allura very confused.

He sat down at the lunch table and waited for Pidge to tell her the news. Once she walked in, Keith waved her down.

"Hey," Pidge sat down."That's the face you make when you have something to tell me, so spill."

"Ok so you know how Lance asked Allura to prom and she said yes?"

"Keith I don't want to talk about this." Pidge's expression saddened.

"N-No no its good I promise! I talked to Allura earlier and she said she only said yes to Lance because she didn't want to embarrass him! So that means you still have a chance!"

"So! Lance still has a crush on Allura!"

"We don't know that for sure."Keith did a point with his finger and made smug face at Pidge.

"You sound like a conspiracy theorist."Pidge laughed and carried on with her lunch.

Strangely it was cold after school so Pidge was shivering on the way home.

"Pidge! Pidge wait up!" Lance said as Pidge sped up. After their encounter at her locker earlier, she didn't know how to act around him."Hey, Pidge!"

Pidge awkwardly started up a conversation."H-Hey, Lance, so how was school?"

"Good I guess, I talked to Allura today. I can't wait to go to prom together!..."Lance continued talking about Allura while Pidge stopped listening.

She got so angry when Lance talked about Allura. Pidge just didn't want to hear it anymore.

"So how was your day? Wait are you cold? Here take my jacket."

"No I'm fi-" Before Pidge could finish her sentence Lance was already putting his jacket around her shoulders.

"There you go!"

Pidge blushed. They walked a little more and Pidge turned towards Lance." Well, here is my stop. Bye, I guess." Pidge went into her house as Lance waved goodbye. She stopped at the door and waved back as Lance smiled and walked away.

Pidge flopped on to her bed and smiled. "Keith was right,"she thought to herself,"I shouldn't give up."

While trapped in her thoughts, Matt crept into her room and stopped right at her bed.

"So who was the kid that walked you home?"

Pidge screamed and hit Matt with a pillow,"Matt, why don't you ever knock?"

"Because that's no fun. Now who was the kid that walked you home? Because that wasn't Keith."

"It was uh, It was Lance."

Matt gave her a eyebrow raise,"Wasn't that the guy that asked someone else to prom?"


"And he gave you, which I can only assume is, his jacket?"

Pidge blushed,"Yeah."

"That guy is all kinds of messed up."

"Oh no!"Pidge's expression changed very quickly."I have to give it back to him!"

"Good luck, sis!"Matt said as he left the room.

Pidge was not excited for tomorrow.

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