Ch 7

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It was Monday, the most dreaded day of the week. Not because the weekend ended but because Pidge had to give back Lance's jacket. She thought about putting it in his locker and running but that wouldn't work because she didn't where his locker was.

She went to school and went on with her classes. A few worksheets in trigonometry, an essay in history, and a paper in english later and then it was lunch. She was about to go to Lance's table, she just had to pep her self up.

She got up and walked to Lance's table.

"um.. Hi Lance."Lance looked up at her.

"Hey, Pidge. How was you're weekend?"

"Good, good..."she trailed off." Anyways here is your jacket."

"Oh I forgot I let you borrow this! Thanks!"

Pidge left the table and sat with Keith.

"So, are you two dating or...?" Hunk teased.

"No! I just let her use it cause it was raining Friday." Lance's face got red.

"Isn't that a thing boyfriends do?"Hunk gave Lance a smug look.

Lance was as red as a tomato."Yeah but I'm not her boyfriend!"

"Sure thing, Lance." Hunk laughed.
Lance had to ask Shiro a question he had on the homework. Based on his other trips to Shiro's classroom, he knew that Pidge was in that room for study hall. It was always fun seeing her drawings. He wondered what it would be this time.

After he had understood the homework he had stopped at Pidge's desk near the front of the room. He stood there and watched her draw an interesting concept he thought he recognized.

He couldn't contain his curiosity." Is that the hip robot?"

She flinched."Lance, how long have you been standing there?"

"Probably about a minute."

Shiro looked at his watch,"Actually 3 minutes."

"Yes Lance, it is the "hip" robot. I thought about the concept and I thought it was really cool, so I decided to draw it."

"Well it looks really cool but I have to get back to my class. So see you around, Pidgeon."

"Bye Lance!"she blushed.

"I ship it."Shiro muttered while working at his computer.


Shiro looked up at her,"What? I do!"

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