Ch 3

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Pidge couldn't sleep. All she could do was think about Lance. Why did she blush whenever he was near. In fact she was blushing at the very thought of Lance.

'Hey' she texted Keith.

'What's up?' She could always count on Keith to reply.

'I can't sleep'

'Got something on your mind?'

'No' She hesitated for a moment.

'Actually, yes'

'What is it...' Keith wondered.

'I think there is something wrong with me. I blush everytime I get close to-She paused. Maybe I don't tell him I might like Lance. 'someone you don't entirely get along with'

'Who, Lance?'


'Sure, Pidge. Just be careful with Lance. He is known to be a flirt and I just don't want you to get hurt.'

Pidge nodded off to sleep, wondering if Keith was mad at her and if she even had a chance with Lance.

Pidge had study hall in the morning. She never has anything to do because she finishes all her work in class so she usually sketched her robot designs. One she even named Rover.

But today she was drawing a certain someone. Someone you could call Loverboy Lance.

Lance needed to go to Shiro's classroom to ask him a question. As he walked into the class he saw a familiar looking Pidge drawing at her desk. (Shiro is the fun teacher and everyone loves his class lol)

After asking his question, he went up to Pidge

"Whatcha drawing?"

Pidge panicked and flipped the page," Uh I'm just drawing robot designs."

"Whoa that's cool. How do you draw that good?"

Pidge shrugged as she felt her face warm up.

"What if you made a really cool droid robot and it would be really hip and it would go out by being strapped to a rocket!"

Pidge laughed,"Who says hip?"

Lance stuck out his tongue," Well I have to get back to class. Bye, Pidgey!"

"Bye Lance!" She replied as he walked out the door.

She felt her face, "Crap, I was blushing wasn't I?" she muttered to herself. And why did Lance call her Pidgey?

"Yes, yes you were and I saw you drawing him earlier. You're not that slick, Pidge." Shiro actually heard what she said.

"Please don't tell him, Shiro!"

"Oh I won't. Katie, you're secret's safe with me." He stuck out his hand and they shook on it.

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