Staring Contest (Mikey)

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I woke up one night to the sound of something crashing downstairs. I thought there was someone in my apartment but later I found out that it was just thunder from an oncoming storm. I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. Since I was fully awake I called my best friend Mikey to come over.

"Hey Mikes. Um I was wondering if--"
"The thunder wake you up too?"
"Heh, yeah. Can you come over?"
"I'll be there soon. I just gotta beat the rain."

I giggled as we hung up. 10 mintues later, it was pouring outside and there was a knock at my door. I ran to the door in my PJ's and opened it to see a drenched Mikey standing there. I quickly pulled him inside.

"I'm so sorry, Mikey. Wait did you walk?!" I panicked.
"I'm fine (y/n). Really."
"Oh my god, I shouldn't have told you to come. Why didn't you take Gee's car?"
"Trust me, I'm okay. He's not here tonight. He's out."
"Are you sure? You're soaking wet."
"Really I'm okay."

He second he took off his jacket he sneezed because of the climate change of the house from outside. He shivered.
"On second thought, I'm gonna take a shower." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him upstairs. I showed him where the bathroom and he jumped in. While he was in there I brought him some of my older brother, Ronnie's clothes. When I came back out if his room, I turned around and saw Mikey standing in the middle with the towel around his waist.

I blushed just looking at his wet, toned body. His hair was all over the place and sticking to his forehead. I started to stare at his v-line. He looked over at me and smirked.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." He joked.
"Oh s-sorry. I was just getting you some clothes. They're my big brother's  but they might fit you."

He smirked as I looked away, still blushing. I walked to him to give him the clothes and he started to walk to me. We didn't stop walking until we were chest to chest. We stared into each other's eyes, smirking.
"H-here. I don't know if they fit though. Y-you can get dressed in my bro's room." I said handing him the clothes.
"Yeah, th-thanks, (y/n)." He said slowly.

He walked past me and into Ronnie's room. I walked downstairs, heart fluttering as to the spark I felt just looking into his eyes but I'm pretty sure he felt it too. I walked into the kitchen to make us some coffee. I got out the coffee maker and grounds I just had to get the filters, which were on the top shelf in the cabinet.

'Dammit Ronnie'

I stood on my tip toes, just barely touching it when an arm reached from behind me and grabbed the box. I turned around to see Mikey standing behind me, holding the coffee filters. We started to stare into each other's eyes again, this time we weren't smiling. His eyes were stuck on my lips, staring with want.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna kiss me?"
"I was waiting for permission."
"You have it."

Mikey put his hand on my cheek and brought my lips to his. I ran my fingers through his damp brown hair as he pulled my hips closer. I smiled into the kiss and we pulled away slowly.

"Your brother's gonna fucking kill me." I giggled.
"I won't let him. I love you too much."
"I love you too."

He pulled my face back, reconnecting our lips. I wrapped my arms behind his neck as tried to put slip his tongue into my mouth. I let him in and I moaned into our kiss while he explored my mouth with his tongue. He picked me up and sat me on the counter so he could kiss me better (cause how much taller he was than me).

We continued to make out as lightning flashed behind us. Our kiss definitely took my mind off the storm.

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