Crush Debate Prt 2 (Mikey)

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Okay so someone requested this and I will kindly deliver. I'm sorry if it sucks.

Mikey went to the bathroom to clear his head, the thought of me in my blue tank top torturing him. He splashed the sink water on his face and looked in the mirror.

"I have to at least ask her if she's taken. I mean how hard can it be? I'll just ask if she wants to hang some time." he said.

After he finally built up his courage, he proudly walked out of the men's room back to the studio. When he got to the door what he saw made him stop in his tracks just outside. He saw Frank playing his acoustic guitar and singing to me. Mikey suddenly felt his jealousy overcome his passion and he stormed into the room and snatched Frank's guitar away.

"What the hell man? Give it back." Frank said defensively.
"Don't act like you don't know what you're doing! You're trying to steal my girl!"
"What?! No I'm not! I was just letting her listen to the acoustic version of Helena."
"Yeah right, I'm not stupid Frank! You're trying to take her away from me!"
"You never even had her! What is with you?!"
"What's gotten into you guys?" I asked.

Mikey's face faded from anger to regret.
"Nothing. Sorry Frank." He said giving him back his guitar.
"M-Mikey, are you okay?"
"I, uh.....I was, sorta, because well, um. Y'know what? Fuck it, you won't care anyway."
He placed a soft kiss on my lips then walked out slamming the door behind him. I turned to Frank confused but he just shrugged.

Mikey went all way to the front of the building and sat on the front steps in the heat. He held his head in his palm as he pouted and groaned.
"Why was I such a dick!? Now she definitely doesn't like me. Good going Mikey. You had your one chance and you blew it." He mumbled.
"Then how about I give you another?" I said behind him.

He turned around quickly and blushed. He looked like a guilty 5 year old. I smiled at his state making him turn around in embarrassment. I sat down next to him.
"So what was that....outburst? Frank feels bad and doesn't even know why."
"I just....I was just jealous."
"Of what? Can't you play guitar too?"
"Its not that. I just acted without thinking. You're really pretty and sweet and everything. And in all seriousness, I like you, (y/n)."
"I like you too Mikey. But why didn't you just--"
"Cause I was scared. Plus that tank top you're wearing makes me blush."
"To be honest Mikes, I wore it for you. I wanted to see if you would stare at me."

We both chuckled as I pulled his face in and kissed him sweetly. He kissed back before I stopped and hugged him tightly.
"Will you go out with me?"
"Of course."
"I love you."
"I love you too, (y/n). More than you could ever understand."
"Can we go back inside? It's really hot out here."
I let go of him and he carried me back inside bridal style.

Shout out to @aCatNameLemon for suggesting this

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