Think Again (Frank)

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While fighting with my boyfriend, Logan, he pushed me on the floor. I suddenly heard growling then looked up to see Frank holding Logan in a headlock while he struggled against him.

"I told you if you laid another hand on her, you'd be sorry!" Frank yelled.
"Frank stop! Let him go!" I yelled.
"You're gonna kill--"

Just then Logan stopped struggling and went limp. I gasped in horror and backed away as Frank dropped his body and stood up.

"Stay away from me. You just killed--"
"No I didn't. Check his pulse if you want. He's alive."
I was sorta relaxed but I was still uneasy.
"I'm fine."
"I'm done with letting him hurt you. We're going back to my place."
"Frank you don't have to--"
"Shut up."
He pulled my face in and kissed me passionately. As I started to kiss back, he pulled away and picked me up bridal style, carrying me to his car.

"You're coming with me."

Sorry it was so short. I was worried that I would ruin it if I made it any longer.

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