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Two emerald eyes look upon the road of daffodil yellow bricks from among the dense poppy field. The eyes belong to a unknown young girl, long dark brown hair falls from her scalp and an ebony cape falls from her shoulders. A charcoal dress adorns her frame and a pair of silver flats encase her feet. Her current appearance is meerly a disguise too hide her from the eyes of those who know of her destiny.

"Scuse me miss." A masculine voice calls, causing the girl to jump in her spot.

"Hello?" The girl responds.

"I didnt mean to frighten you, but you seemed lost qnd i was wondering if i could help?" The male apologises. The girl takes in the appearance of the other; he appears to be made mostly from wood, with farmboy like clothes. On his head rests a straw hat, only the male doesnt have a human head, but his face seems to be carved out of a pumpkin and placed delicately onto the wooden frame.

"Im not lost, just waiting." The girl states, her voice near silent. "Im Evan... Silver. Evan Silver. And you are?" She asks, holding out her fair toned hand.

"Jackson Pumpkinhead." The male-Jackson- replies, shaking the hand with his oak one. "I dont think i have seen you around before. Are you new to Oz?" He asks.

"Not exactly. I spent alot of time away from beings during my childhood, so you wouldnt of seen me around anywhere." Evan replies.

"I'll tell you, because you may not know. There are witches that inhabit Oz. You need to watch out for the likes of Evanora West and Theodora East. They use their powers for no good." He explains, noting how Evan seemed to be hurt slightly when he mentioned the names of the witches. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Y-yeah" comes the stuttered reply.

"Evan!" A different voice calls, belonging to one of the nicest witches of their generation, Gwen South. Her sandy blonde hair falls in soft curls as strands of baby pink fall in place on her head. A blush pink dress covers her body, the flowing fabric of the two layered skirt covers the top half of her legs. Flats of the same blush colour adorn her feet as she glides to meet the two.

"Gwen." Jackson says, nodding to the newly arrived female. "Well i better be off. Happy holidays to you both." The pumpkinheaded figure chimes before exiting the scene.

"I thought you wouldnt show." Evan says, removing her hair, to reveal that its just a wig. Her short hair was of the same colour and was slightly ruffled from being stuck under the wig.

"Sorry. You know how hard it is to exit the festivities 'Nora." Gwen says. "Here i got you something." The blonde passes a delicately wrapped object to the other.

Pastel wrapping paper encases the present as a dusky rose bow tops it off.

"You didnt have to." Evan smiles. She passes the blonde a present wrapped in emerald paper with a black bow. "I didn't know what to get you. Im sorry if its not something you will use.

A couple of minutes later, pastel pink and emerald green wrapping paper meet on the floor, the bows discarded with them.

A broom is held in the brunettes hand. "Seriously you did not have to get me this. Thank you so much!" She exclaims. "I know wish i got you something more than a dress and a book."

"Are you kidding? I love it!" Gwen laughs. A nearby alarm sounds. "Im sorry i have to go. Merry Christmas Evanora."

"Merry Christmas to you two, Gwen" Evan manages to respond before the two part ways, heading to their own homes.


"Evan Silver? Really?" Theo asks, that stupid smirk on her face. The young witch of the East and Evanora had been forced to live in the same house since Theo's father had perished and Evan's father had taken her in.

"Well people wouldnt really accept it if Gwen South and Evanora West were being friendly with each other will they?" Evanora responds.

"Fair point. So what did your girlfriend get you?" Theo inquires out of curiousity and boredom.

"Shes not my girlfriend, im pretty sure shes straight, and she got me a broom."

"Shut up! Do you even know how much brooms are? Shes obviously into you!" Theodora exclaims, slightly annoyed by her friend's stupidity.

"Im pretty sure she isnt." Evan shrugs as she removes the green contact from her right eye, revealing the chocolate brown iris that it covered. "Good night Theo." She hums as she gets into bed after switcing the light off.

"Night Evan" Theo chimes as the two drift into a soundless sleep in the comfort of their seperate beds.


Evan and Gwen's meet ups occured multiple times throughout the winter break, they would both not return to their homes hours at a time as the two met. Evanora, still disguised as Evan Silver, met many of Gwen's friends. The feelings the two had for each other increased throughout the events of the holiday.

But alas, all good things must come to an end, their ending being the return of school and the time for them to continue their fake hate towards each other, for if people found out that the two had any positive feelings for each other, they would both be outcasted.

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