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A smile plays on her ruby lips as her forget-me-not blue eyes gloss over the page. Long strands of black cascade around her face, attempting to distract her from the words. But there was no distracting her.

Images formed in her mind, created by the simple words, as the stories came to life. Stories of the place her mother forbade her from ever venturing after it had killed her father and aunt. She closed her eyes and it immediately felt like she had been transported into the tale.

Her black locks were whipped back by the ferocity of the salty breeze as heavy rain pored down. Shouts of crew members filled her ears as they desperately tried to secure the ship. Huge waves crashed over the side, soaking the planks beneath her.

Each wave crashing onto the deck was feircer and stronger than the last. She struggled to remain on board as the ship was thown haphazardly from side to side. A wave crashed down, dragging her with it. She had no time to think as water filled her lungs.

A frantic exclamatinon of "Man Overboard!" was made, barely audible from her position. A splash sonded as someone lept after her. She felt herself being pulled as the other clutched her to a peice of driftwood.

"Please dont die on me." Were the last words she heard as she slipped away.

The storm subsided and sun broke through, soon enough the two were pulled back on deck. But it was too late. She had perised at sea. The ghost could only stand and observe those who were close to her as they attemped to resuscitate her.

A faint sound drew her eyes away from the scene. The word, a name, being repeated over and over, gradually getting louder.

"Evasteria." The name was shouted and the girl was brought back to reality. She shot the book from which she read closed and made her way towards the sound.

"Sorry mum. I was reading again" She hummed, coming into view of her green-skinned mother. She looked down, hoping her mother wont inquire as to what she was reading.

"How many times do i have to tell you that you shouldnt surround yourself with fantasies of the sea. Ive made my decision and im sticking to it." Her mothers soft voice said. "Im sorry, the sea is a dangerous place and i dont want to loose you to its evil clutches aswell." She says.

"I understand mum." The girl said, a smile placed firmly on her ruby lips. "Now what was it that you wanted?" She asked.

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