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Darkness enveloped her.

Where was she?

Her silver whisps of hair were being blown around as her blue eyes scanned for anything in the area. There was nothing. She tightened her grip on the axe she was holding.

Wait. Why was she holding the axe? She searched her memory for any clue as to why, but she couldn't even remember seeing the axe before hand.

She shook her head just as the darkness faded to a forest. The area seemed familiar to her, but she couldnt quite put her finger on it.

She then remembered what she was doing holding the axe, she was chopping the wood infront of her. She set back to work, scolding herself for her idleness.

The sound of chopping filled the area. That sound was replaced by the sound of the axe meeting a different target. Flesh. Words of colour erupted from the girls mouth, all of them too harsh to repeat.

Suddenly, the pain ceased. The girl looked to the wound to see that the entire limb had turned to tin.

"My ozma." The girl, by the name of Nikki Chopper, exclaims.

Days passed and as Nikki kept chopping, more wounds appeared, each one turning the entire limb to tin. Soon enough, there was no flesh left on poor Nikki Chopper, and no heart in her chest either. She was entirely tin. Tin and hollow.

Nikki continued her work nether the less. She was mid swing with her axe, when rain began to fall, rusting her tin body. The oil can sat, just out of the reach of the tin girl, not that she could move to reach it anyway.

'Dont worry. Someone will come. Someone will save you. Hang in there Nikki.' She thought, well, hoped.

However, as years passed, her hope began to dissipate. No one was coming. She would be left there alone. A rusted tin woodman in a forest of Oz. No one will help her.

As the scene faded to black, Nikki jolted awake. She looked at her hands, thankful of the fact that they are no longer tin, before scanning the scenary. She was in her room, no her dorm. That horrible future had not occured yet.

"Thank Ozma! Im not tin!" Nikki exclaims, placing her hand near where her heart is, thrilled to feel the heartbeat that was inevitably felt.

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