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The young girl sat as people came and went. Doctors in white coats, scientists, therapists. No one could explain the phenomenon that had occured to leave her in such a state.

Two white and black wings, not unlike those of a Melanargia galathea, were folded upon her back as her blue grey eyes stared into space. Her pale features showed no emotion as her long black cascade of hair framed her young face.

The phenomenon had left the girl without so much as a twinkle of emotion within her eyes. Only a few knew what had occured and neither of them spoke of it. They were beginning to wonder if some of them had lost the ability to speak.

"How do you feel today Amare?" One of the more frequent doctors asked, you could tell that she was not expecting a reply. The emotionless girl had not spoken a word since she had awoke.

"Empty." The girl replied. Her voice was slightly hard to understand due to having not been used for days.

The response took the other by surprise. "What did you say?" She asked, in an attempt to confirm her suspicions.

"I feel nothing except empty." Came the monotone reply.

"And why is that?" The doctor questioned.

"Shouldnt you know?" Amare asked, looking the doctor in the eyes.

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