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Blonde hair falls around her shoulders in curls, highligts of soft pink are woven within the spiralled blonde. Her blue eyes scan over the page, reading what she had written, before she continued with the sentance on the page, the pen gliding over the paper and leaving a delicate ink trail behind.

Her pale hand reaches to grab another sheet, in hopes of finishing the assignment in one sitting. Her shadow falls upon the wooden desk, casting a grey tone onto the page.

Slowly the seconds turn to minutes and the minutes to hours until the young witch finally lets her pen fall. She is finally finished. Finally, she'll get some time to herself before the next homework assignment is set.

Her eyes fall on the last line she had written, finding truth in its contents.

"After all we are just a simple sentance in the story that is our world." It read. The line definitely showed the truth.

She isnt much really, just a minor character in the story of reality. Her true ambitions had long been forgotten, buried with everything else that would become insignificant in the future. All that mattered to others is her looks, thats all she needed to focus on. Right?

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