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A wave crashed onto the golden sands of a beach, bringing a girl with it. Her blonde hair blew in the wind as she stood up, her clothing was made of fine materials that glittered in the morning sun. Her steps were quick as she raced to the nearby village, her feet leaving indents in the smooth sand.

A package was gripped, held in her pale hand as she slowered her pace, now walking on the stone of the street. An aroma of flowers mixed with bread hit her nose as she heard the chattering voices from nearby houses. Children giving gifts to their hardworking mothers could be seen through the windows. Some ran about, desperate to find a gift for their mother after they had forgotten all about the day.

A smile played on her pink lips as the girl made her way to one house in particular. She reached out and knocked. The door creaked open and a boy of her own age stood opposite her.

"Hello can i help you?" The boy asked. He had hair of a soft brown and the all too familiar grey eyes of his mother.

"Uhm yes. Does Cybil Maiden live here?" She asks, her brown eyes filled with hope.

"Who wants to know?" The other asked in a rarher demanding tone.

"Oh.. sorry." She apologises. "Im Brianna. And you are..?"

"Cedric Maiden. Her son." The boy, Cedric, states. "How do you know my mother?"

"She.. well i came from a rich family before i ran away and she practically raised me. She was like a mother to me. Well before my mother fired her that is." Brianna explains. She notices Cedric suddenly look sorry for her.

"Im sorry. She isnt here." Cedric states, his tone somewhat sympathetic. "She left this world along time ago, miss."

"Im sorry for your loss cedric. Ill be on my way now." Brianna says quietly, trying to stop herself from tearing up as she turns away.

She walks to a flower stall, buying a bunch, a dozen lily of the valleys to be precise. She then continues walking, a new destination in mind. Her steps were slow, the noises of happy children had become distant, as if she was trapped in a soundproof bubble.

She arrives at the cemetary, carefully walking to find the certain grave. The headstone read the name 'Cibil Maiden', followed by the years of birth and death. A small sentance underneath the years read 'Gone from our lives but never from our hearts, a loving woman who will be missed.'. A card, presumably from cedric, was placed infront of the grave, held down by a stone.

Tears welled in Brianna's eyes and begin to stream down her cheeks. She places the flowers on the gravestone as she sobs, thankful that noone was around to hear her.

"You were like a mother to me, Cybil. I wish i could of told you that in person. But i love you like a daughter loves their mother." Brianna says to the grave, her words lost in the wind, as sobs escape her throat. "Happy mothers day." She whispers.

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