2. Unproductive

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Her birthday, as expected, passed over quite uneventfully. And Aileene simply returned to her normal unproductive life in the manor. Which were mostly filled with lessons and classes, since it was mandatory for her to be homeschooled. Before being sent off to Austrion Academy when she reached 14, the place where Vain truly starts as a game. The place where all captured targets, rivals, and villains are gathered. And the very place where her mission begins.

Aileene dreaded it, she would rather complete a 1000 boring history projects than to go to the acclaimed Academy. But what choice does she have, the game system requires it. She must do it. Even if she is unwilling.

Though for now, she should dwell on more present things. Which included completing a certain boring history project that was due the next day. But it was comforting to know she was accompanied by a new friend. A healthy white bunny, named Lumi. A name she had thought up on the spot and was quite proud of in all honesty. It was simple and elegant, perfect for her.

Shifting away from her thoughts, Aileene glance back to the assignment she was working on. As mention before it was utterly, undefeatedly boring. Frankly, she simply wasn't invested and she probably won't ever be.

Aileene breathes out a mournful sigh from under her breath. As she placed her cheek to the palm of her hand, leaning her weight onto her elbow. While her other hand reach out to gently pet the small Lumi, who was still nibbling on her food.

With the two hours she had of break, she still hadn't completed the assignment and her next lesson was quickly approaching, though it seemed that Aileene simply wanted to continue her procrastination. As she was mindlessly and effortlessly lost to her daydream. Though when Lumi was finally finished with her food, she snapped awake from her dream world and hurriedly lifted Lumi from her desk, placing the small bunny back in her cage.

Turning back to her work, she took in a shallow breath as she picked up her pen. Before wordlessly spinning it around her fingers. Trying her best to brainstorm what she could write to finish the paper. But no matter how hard she tried, her brain didn't seem to want to corporate. Glancing down at her assignment, she even tried squinting at it, but it only made her vision fuzzy. Only raising her frustration levels, as her lips turned down at the corner in a stressed frown. Deciding to finally put her pen to the paper, she concluded her last sentence, but she wasn't satisfied.

Aileene took a little less than a second to look at the sentence before simply striking it out, in messy, careless black lines. The line she had written was too rushed, messy, imperfect and anything but good.

Sighing once again she looked back at her paper, as her mind rack itself for answers, but at that moment she was clueless. Maybe it was the lack of sleep she had the night before or the stress she had been feeling with all her procrastinated work weighing down on her. But right now she felt a bit like a lifeless veggie: dumb, numb and very stupid.

"Miss, please get ready for your etiquette lesson. Your teacher is here." A knock sounded on her bedroom door, breaking her concentration. As it moved the door slightly ajar, a soft voice reminded her of her busy schedule.

"I understand, please tell her to wait for a moment while I get ready," Aileene replied calmly, her earlier frustration hidden completely. Though her silent effort of finishing her current assignment increase exponentially. As her expression fixed itself into determination, while she zipped through writing her last words on the paper.

"Done!" Aileene happily announced to herself, as she slammed her pen onto the desk and stood up in a fury. Her face accompanied by a joyful smile, as she quickly ran out the door of her room. She was free, finished and-

A stern cough stopped her in her track, the minute she set foot out her door.

In the back of her mind she clearly knew who the person was, but as she glanced up from her eyelashes, she had hoped differently, but hope is a liar.

"Miss Delaney, please. I apologize. It was only an accident." Aileene pleaded pitifully, her arms ached and her neck felt weighted from balancing the three heavy books on her head. The present sight of her could make anyone heart-broken with sadness. Who wouldn't be when such a young and helpless girl was pleading with them.

Though the calm and currently cold-blooded Anne Delaney knew better, Aileene had only been holding up the books up for a few minutes and she was already crying. Which was unconvincing to Delaney, having known the girl all her life. She knew that Aileene didn't like pain and would do anything to get out of it. And that she was most likely just exaggerating for sympathy.

"Please," Aileene begged another time, as she desperately used her charm to get out of her unfortunate situation. But it didn't seem to be working on her knowledgeable teacher. Running out of options she was just about to burst into tears for a second round when her teacher interrupted her.

"Fine, you're off the hook for now." Delaney sighed in defeat, looking at the girl in front of her. She knew she wasn't winning, her student was a cunning little witch. She was going to continue crying the whole afternoon, and Delaney's poor heart couldn't deal with all the melodrama. Truly, when push comes to shove, she could already imagine all the drama that her Aileene will cause as she grows up.

"Thank you!! You're the best!!!!" Aileene eagerly responded as she hurries from her spot facing the wall to place her books down on the desk.

"But you're still not completely off the hook. Start copying the etiquette manual from start to finish." Delaney placed a blank notebook in front of Aileene, before pushing her shell shock form onto the chair, then moving it closer to the desk. "It might help you learn for the upcoming banquet."

"Delaney, you can't be serious," Aileene whispered, fear lingering in her voice. As her mind reflected on the fact that the book was over 500 pages. 500.

"I am."

So anyways, I think it'll kinda be cool and interactive if I have questions at the end of each chapter to learn about my readers and I'll also answer those questions in the next chapter note. So let's just get into the question! •^•

1.) What's your favourite animal?

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