24. Shelter

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"I'm sorry we didn't have enough clothing for you, the only available ones were the servant boy's spares." Aileene smiled apologetically, as she walked beside the child she had helped. He seemed to be in need and she led him back to their mansion to dress and feed. Though, the boy hadn't been very talkative or open to her. She could tell he was slowly getting used to her kindness, even if he was still rather shy.

"Please...don't apologize." The boy replied softly, his head bashfully kept down to avoid eye contact with her. Aileene smiled softly, it was getting late by now and it would be better for him to just stay in the mansion here for a bit. It would be cruel to just dump him back into the streets.

"After dinner, would you like to stay here to rest? It's getting late and I don't think it's safe to be out and about." Aileene asked gently, as they finally approached the dining hall. After her parents had agreed to help the poor boy, they had him washed up and rested before dinner. She had personally invited him down to dinner with her too since she felt like a responsible older sister to the child.

The child meekly nodded without looking directly at Aileene, which she responded with a gentle pat on the head to the shorter male beside her. "You don't have to be so formal, just call me Aileene and I'll call you Dmitri."

When they got to the dining table the both of them settle down with her parents and they began eating. And Aileene's earlier teary mood was entirely lifted, she felt so much lighter and happier, as she had completely forgotten about her worries since she was more focused on the current task. Which was helping the young child she had saved.

"Dmitri, do you have parents?" Her mother asked gently, looking at the boy across from her softly. The boy glanced up briefly from his food before quickly shifting his head down again.

"No." A simply answer responded to her mother's question.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Aileene asked curiously, she wanted to know how bad his condition was living out in the streets. Since it was strange to see someone display so much practiced etiquette, once they had begun the meal she could immediately notice him familiar with the form of a young noble. Afterall, most nobles would take etiquette from birth and be proficient and familiar with all meal utensils. She, herself had to learn and memorize these facts.

A commoner, on the other hand, wouldn't need to conform to high society demands and so most would be overwhelmed in noble society, but the young boy wasn't. So she was surprised and curious about his background.

"No, I...I don't." Dmitri answered honestly, a nervous stutter broke through his voice. As he didn't dare glance up at the generous family that had taken him in, still continuously fidgeting with his thumbs, trying to calm his nerves.

"Then you can stay with us, we'll give you work. So you won't have to think that you've owned us too much." Her father entered the conversation with a smile, it made the boy look up from his lap immediately, staring at her father with a shocked expression.

"It's not that big of a deal, we'll provide for you if that's what you need." Her mother added on with a kind smile on her face. Aileene stared at both of her parents and a sudden feeling of warmth enters her chest, they were so kind and good. And at that moment she felt so gifted to be in this world with them and to constantly be reminded by everyone around her that they were all worth sacrificing herself for.

So what if she, herself doesn't get a happy ending. It was worth enough that the people she cherishes got their own happy ending, she wouldn't drag them into her problems, after all, they've done.

"Aileene! Why are you crying? Are you okay?" Her mother suddenly exclaims and all attention came back to her, as her mother got out of her seat and ran to her side. Hugging her immediately and nestling Aileene in her arms.

"I'm fine, I'm just so happy that I have everyone and everything I got right now," Aileene answered, wiping her eyes away from her eyes, as her mother rubbed her back gently. While her father hovers over the two of them, concern for her sudden emotional outburst.

'Mother, father, I'm sorry I couldn't be a little more selfish.'

22.) Who do you think the young child Aileene met was?

Answer: A cute boyo.

23.) Do you think Aileene has made the right decision to forgo her own happiness?

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