56. End of a Long Day

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There was no shadow of a doubt that Edmund was in love, there was no beginning to it and he could not predict an end. There was only her. Only the not so easily defined word, Love. He was not wise nor was he so wordy to be able to explain his own emotions, but he knew what he felt was not just friendship or familial love. It was something more and it had always been.

Even as he watched from outside the beautiful bubble that Cielo enveloped, he didn't feel dissatisfied. And when she had finally caught his soft smile, he only turned away. A light pink color dusting his cheek. He coughed and pretended as if he was just paying attention to the professor. As if there was not any way he could break their current status quo. And as if there was no way to get through to her his feelings.

The droning of the professor continued on and it was what the rest of their day had been like. The only difference now was that it was nearing midday instead of being early in the morning and Edmund was once again reminded of how much he disliked lessons. They had always eluded him, but it seemed that she was happy. Cielo was always happy to learn. She was always excited for her lessons and she excelled in them. Even though she had quite a short attention span and hated reading, she always wanted to learn new things. And seeing the sparks in her eyes satisfied him enough that he was willing to sit through hours of meaningless lessons for her.

And he would do so now too until they would both be able to go to the fencing and horse-riding class that the both of them liked.

A melodic charm rang out from the bell tower that was near the front of the school, signaling that class had ended. Edmund snapped out of his daydream, as Cielo nudge him.

"Let's get lunch! I want to try the meal that they have planned." Cielo said as she pulled Edmund along to exit the class with everyone else. Students were bustling about and once they had reached the food court, the place was packed and the line was long. Which made her a bit dishearten, but she got in line and Edmund followed.

They were silent against the loud backdrop of the food court until Cielo spoke again. "Everyone is so excited for school, I wonder how long it'd all last."

She looked down, her voice deprived of the lightness of her earlier words. She seemed to be in deep thought and her mood doleful. Edmund's heart couldn't bear her sudden sadness. He wasn't sure what had caused her to feel so down. But he'd wait for her to be ready to tell him, even though he really hates seeing her so troubled. He gently patted her head and saw her raise her head to smile at him softly.

After that point the day seemed to pass by quickly, Edmund couldn't really recall everything that had happened. But soon it was late in the evening and he was dropping off Cielo at her dormitory, it was snowing once again. The air was cold, but not too bitter. It was much better than some of the previous days, which was blanketed with the snow-white blizzards. Though, when he glanced to Cielo. He wanted to be safe, so he took off his own scarf and wrapped it around her neck. She flushed and thank him happily, snuggling half of her face into his red scarf.

He hummed in acknowledgment, but his eyes showed enough of his happiness for her to not be mistaken.

When they finally reached the girl's dormitory. He stopped and Cielo turned to him. She glances to him but quickly turned her eyes to her feet. Edmund was surprised, for that bit of time when he had looked at him. It caught her watery eyes.

'Was she crying?'

He didn't know how to respond. He couldn't remember a time when Cielo had come and cried to him. She was always so strong and resilient, nothing got to her. And she was always able to keep a smile on her face. He felt a bit of panic, he didn't know how to comfort her.

But in the next second, he questioned his own eyes, as he saw her regain her normal temperament. An inextinguishable cheerfulness. Was her tears something he had imagined? He wanted to ask her and confirm.

Edmund sighed, he didn't want to push her, he trusted her. If there was truly something going on, she would tell him and he would listen. There couldn't be anything that she wouldn't be able to say to him, right?

"Good night, Edmund," Cielo said softly and put on her most brilliant smile. She turned and walked into the girl's dormitory. When she finally got out of his sight, she leaned onto the wall. She felt weak. She couldn't comfort herself and stop the nagging feeling in the back of her head. There was something wrong, she didn't know what it was.

But she so clearly felt that when she saw Edmund at that time. It might be the last time she would ever see him.

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