49. Queen Relivia Artline

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His father had arrived on time for that particular ball and his mother had too, but both had been in vastly different states. One had just gotten off his royal carriage and the other was panting harshly at the side of the manor gate, all her guards and servants nowhere to be seen near her. Her hair was messy from its ride through the wind and her dress was untidy since it was not meant to be used to run in. And the two of them were only a few feet apart, so when his mother had finally caught her breath. She raised her head only to meet eye to eye with his father. Who had only stared at her all this time with a blank expression.

The two of them stood in the silence before his mother tidied her own dress and smoothed her hair. As if nothing had happened prior to that point she performed a perfect curtsy and greetings to the crown prince and turned away to enter the gates of the manor. His father told him that when he had asked his mother what she had felt that day, she admitted that she was beyond embarrassed, and her cool-leveled reaction was all fake. Something his father hadn't seen through then, no matter how brilliant he was.

After that point, his father had been completely enraptured by the noble lady he had met. Someone who could keep such a nonchalant reaction in such a situation interested him. And soon he had found out who she was and decided to court her. In all subsequent parties his father had attended with his mother, he had asked for her for a dance each and every time. Ignoring any other nobles that might impede his time with her. This greatly surprised his mother and made her somewhat worry because of this new unfounded attention. Though nothing had proved detrimental yet, as he was very courteous and accommodating to her feelings.

The only small downside to a handsome prince courting her was the uproar and gossip going around the court. His mother had ignored most of it, but his grandfather was very shocked by the news and wanted to immediately assess if his daughter still wanted to stay within the capital. Even if she would miss her debut, it didn't mean anything as long as she was well and safe. He didn't want her to be attacked by all sides because of a prince.

His mother had could have left at this point, return to her quaint life before. And maybe she wouldn't have to marry her whole life, it was an option that she had thought of before coming to the capital. She naturally didn't want to marry if she wasn't in love, but she also didn't want to disappoint her father. So she let herself try to find someone that was good for her, but in the few weeks before her debut and being in the capital. She wasn't very satisfied, she didn't want the kind of life that her sister had. Even if her sister was happy. It wasn't something that his mother wanted, his mother was very an individual that was ambitiously unambitious. She wanted a quiet life, but if she could not get that. She wanted the kind of life that would never keep her bored. And she could live that perfect life if she allowed herself to love someone that was out of her league.

His father was antisocial, but that didn't mean he couldn't speak. He was an excellent speaker and Lucian was too, but what ran through their blood was the dislike of unnecessary conversation with others for the sake of conversation. In shorter terms, his father was charismatic, he did all he could to woo his mother and it worked. Which was a result that surprised him and he had felt happy with her choice.

It had just all been a bit of interest to him in the beginning and with the constant instructions from the King and Queen to choose a lady to marry or be engaged to one by their choice. His father decided to just choose someone of his own accord and having found his mother appealing, background and personality-wise. She was perfect, only he hadn't realized that soon it was no longer just simple interest that he made him want to pursue her. She had become someone that he wanted to talk to and listen to, this was novel to him. And his father had then realized that he might have been in love.

Lucian turned his head at the resounding knock on his door. His dorm room was on the fifth floor of the west side building. The female dormitory was separated and on the east side of the Academy. There were five floors to each dormitories and the floors were exclusive to different types of nobles. Even if the school seemed to put all students equally on the surface. The higher ranking children were all placed on the fifth floor, while the descending importance of students occupied the lower floors. On the fifth floor, there were significantly fewer amounts of rooms. For which he was glad because it meant less disturbance from other people. And he hadn't had any problems so far, as he mostly kept to himself. Even if someone wanted to see him, they would not try to knock on his door.

No one was stupid enough to bother a prince. But now there seemed to be someone that was, he stood corrected.

Running his fingers through his lavender hair, he sighed and stood up from his seat at his desk. He had been reading some novel, but midway he had been distracted enough to merely stare out his window at the falling snow. Reminiscing about some events of the past. He strolls to the dorm's door and opened it with a neutral expression on his face, the first thing he noticed was the nervous expression of the teen in front of him. He had light brown hair and was average in every sense of the word.

"Prince Lucian—there's a letter here for you." The student sped through his words and quickly handed him his letter, as he hurriedly excused himself. Lucian smiled as he closed his door, even if it was a bit annoying for others to interrupt him, he never thought he had been scary enough for other students to simply run away.

He usually kept to himself and wasn't so carefree to befriend everyone and be extroverted. So that might be the reason why others could easily be intimidated, it could also be because of his status as a prince too. Whatever it was, he wasn't so keen as to change himself to accommodate others' opinions. So he'll do as he, please.

But he still wondered what Aileene thought of him, was he rather long-winded in her mind? From what he remembered of their first meeting, Lucian had acted rather fond of talking. Even telling her a story to pass the time, which was something he normally wouldn't do for just anyone. Maybe it was just that he had rather enjoyed being with her, without any pretenses of status. She was an interesting person too, for such a little girl to act so mature, she became flustered when she was near him. It was also a little strange for him, as he had felt that somehow she had known him long before they had ever met.

His mother, Queen Relivia was his haven and when she had died. He had been distraught and only his father and their goal kept him in line. The color from his world seemed to have faded, and he had forgotten the happiness before the tragedy. Until it was brought back only with a brief meeting with a girl whom he could not choose. Or maybe he could, just as his father had, to defy all expectations and find happiest in his own light.

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