7. Bonding

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"She's a bit shy with new people, but if you let her know that you bring no harm, she'll let you pet her," Aileene explained simply as she took Lumi out of her cage. Before handing Lumi gently to her cousin, whom held the bunny with the greatest care and curiosity.

"I've never held a bunny before, or even seen one." Alastair's eyes were filled with childish wonder and fascination, as Lumi cuddled closer to his warmth and began to fall asleep. Aileene smiled at the adorable sight, the two of them seemed to immediately connect and it surprised her. Lumi was usually rather docile and shy towards new people, but she was comfortable with Alastair right away. It was new, but it wasn't bad. It was better than if Lumi just outright rejected her cousin.

"Is Kinlar different from Austrion?" Aileene asked her cousin, who was holding Lumi and sitting across from her. They were both currently on the ground in her room, it was early morning, the day after her cousin came and since she had time before her lessons started. She wanted to let Alastair pet Lumi and the high table wasn't always safe for a bunny.

"It's very closely alike, some cultural differences and such. But nothing too major." Alastair answered plainly, most of his attention focus on the sleeping bunny in his arms.

"No, I mean the environment, the people, the air, the plants. I don't know, anything that isn't boring." Aileene explained, she wanted to know what other countries were like. Afterall, she hadn't exactly traveled much in the short amount of time she had lived in this world. She barely even left the house and she did enjoy staying at home. But she also wanted to travel and enjoy the world for what it was, and she hopes to do before her doom-day.

"I guess, the environment is sort of the same too. But Austrion is definitely colder in term of weather. The food is also more bread base, you eat everything with bread in Kinlar. Austrion is a bit more diverse with its meals." Alastair continued, still mostly focused on Lumi, but from time to time he would glance to Aileene. Who was currently trying to reach over and pet Lumi?

"Interesting. Do you like Austrion or Kinlar more?" Aileene nonchalantly asked, she didn't have any particular opinions in politics nor did she really care for either country. But she enjoys listening to others opinions, and she was always open to new ideas.

"Well, even if I was born in Austrion and it is my country. I honestly enjoy Kinlar more, maybe it's because I grew up there or maybe it's because it's better. I'm not really sure. But I like it." Alastair confirmed his opinion to Aileene, whom just nodded without agreeing or disagreeing. He knew he should have more patriotic thoughts about his country, afterall his father is the minister of foreign affair and he would be working towards a minister position in the future. But he was biased towards his childhood home.

"Oh, is Uncle's position forever posted in Kinlar? I would think he've to travel more." Aileene replied it was calming to finally have someone close to her age she could chat with. No pretenses nor fake smiles, it was nice. But it was rather unfortunate her cousin would have to leave in a few weeks.

"I'm not sure, but father lets other ministers have their chance to travel. He also doesn't want to trouble my education too much if we keep moving." Alastair responded truthfully, that's was really all he knew. Since he hadn't ever asked his father before, so he could only speculate why.

"Do you have to take sword fighting as a lesson?" Aileene question methodically, as she stood up from her seat. Now would be about time her first lesson started and she couldn't miss it.

"Yes, but I'm not great at it," Alastair admitted nervously, as he awkwardly stands up with her. Lifting Lumi to her cage, he put her safely back and turned to Aileene. His eyes questioning her about why they're stopping.

"My first lesson is going to start in a bit, I'll have to go. I guess you can join my lesson with me, but you don't have to. Isn't this sort of a vacation for you?" Aileene said, as she started collecting the materials she needed for her first lesson, which was none other than history. Piling the books and paper up in a stack, she placed it all on her table, making sure she wasn't missing anything.

"It is, and frankly I don't want to suffer through more lessons. So I think I'll find something to do on my own." Alastair declined swiftly, he felt a bit regretful that his cousin was going to be gone for lessons and that he'll have no one to talk to. But he didn't necessarily want to do any schooling on his vacation, so he'll just entertain himself with books or adventuring.

"Sure, don't worry. I won't blame you, I honestly wouldn't either. Now go go, before the tutor come and make you stay." Aileene joked with her cousin, as she shooed him out of her room. It didn't bother her that she had to take so many lessons, it was the normal baggage of being an heir.

And some of the lessons were even interesting and fun, each of them gives her some valuable skill, beside etiquette. It was useless, why would anyone ever need to know the names of all 5000 different eating utensils. It was pointless and only for show. But she shouldn't always complain, complaining's bad for the soul.

5.) Which would you better enjoy a happy ending or a tragic ending for a story?

Honestly, it all depends on the story itself. If the whole story is dramatic and tragic, but the ending is unfittingly happy go lucky. That doesn't work, same with the reverse. And it also depends on how well you write each ending, if it's a poorly written happy ending. Then it's not good either. Basically both are good if they fit and are written well.

6.) What types of protagonist do you like? (Describe a personality or trait.)

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