44. Unreachable

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As if she was running away from him, Aileene quickens her steps. Her heart unwilling to turn back even for one last time, so she tried to distract herself. As she neared the main building of the academy.

It was pure white and aesthetically beautiful, a castle untouched by man. And it spread across the space of the whole entrance, gardens on both side of its path, leading towards the door of the building. From what she could recall, the students called the building White Castle and it was the way to enter the plaza. Where all the building for the separate classes were, it was the most elaborate of the bunch and the main gathering area of most students.

The White Castle was the Food Court, Auditorium, Lounging Area, and Student Information Center (SIC) all combine into one. Since it was so large, all its part was divided into a direction.

The Auditorium was in the North.

The Food Court was to the East.

The Lounging Area was to the West.

The Student Infomation Center was in the South.

And it was the first thing you would walk into when you enter the White Castle. The SIC was meant to help all students with any request they might have and was run by the Student Council, the seniors would give the newcomers schedules and directions. And they would assign students the necessary things they needed. Then the students would have free range to do whatever they wanted in the time before the academy started.

Aileene knew the scenery of the academy well, from her knowledge beforehand, but seeing it herself was still fascinating. She wondered how the plants could stay so green in such a cold environment. The air was even much warmer in the academy, as compared to the barren land outside. And for it to be so deep and secluded within the mountains, she couldn't help but be surprised at how everything was so vibrant and colorful. The running fountains were not even frozen when it snowed. How strange was that?

As Aileene felt the hydrangeas by the door of the White Castle with a gentle smile on her face, she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. A yellow dress that seems to glow with each of the girl's movement and a head of golden amber hair.

Xi Faber

She hadn't seen this friend if hers in a year or so, and Xi seemed to have grown much livelier. She was always such a proud girl, but the system could no longer control any of them. So Aileene could only hope the best in Xi's happiness, at least for this short lifetime. The world could be changed.

Aileene sighed and turned away, a calm expression returned to her features, but her eyes were almost unreachable with how deep they were. The more she stayed within this world, the more she felt disconnected. The memories, the experiences, and the happiness she had achieved only a short bit ago felt so far away. It was as if a glass wall had been placed between her and everyone else in this world.

Her previous beliefs and hopes in the fact that she could trust the fragile reality she stayed in were shattered. And Aileene slowly grew more unfeeling towards the whole world. She has a goal she must complete, and so she will.

But any satisfaction it could bring her was no longer able to touch her.

Aileene soon found herself in the White Castle, the interior was as beautiful as the exterior. For which she wasn't that surprised or curious for, so she simply hurried to the information center to get her schedule. Most of her time was already spent wandering about, and she hadn't even rested from her long trip yet. So it would be good for her to get to her dormitory, it would still take a few more days for the main cast to arrive one by one. So she should explore her surrounding to familiarize herself with the sights of each story event.

After a bit of walking, she soon found herself at the information center, it was crowded with academy students. Many of which had just arrived, just like her. And so they were in casual noble clothing, the only ones with academy uniforms on were the seniors at the front desk.

The academy uniforms were simple and elegant, for the female students. They got to choose a color for their dress, it could be anything. But once they've chosen a certain color, they couldn't change it until the new school year started. The simple dress was then paired with a white vest which had a badge of the academy on its right chest. It also was customized to that matched the dress color the student had already chosen. And to top it all off, a bow also went along with the dress and like the dress could be any color the student chose.

The male students uniform followed the same process, aside from the fact that the dress was replaced by a suit and the female bow was a tie.

Aileene admired the design of the uniform and wasn't at all dissatisfied with what she would be wearing for the next four years of her life. So put off the thought as she got to the front of the line to receive her schedule.

"Hello...umm...my name is Kira Wistlorn and I'll help you get your assigned schedule and dormitory." The young girl behind the information center desk stated, though she still sounded a bit unsure and hesitate. As her eyes were glued to her clipboard and when she finally glances up to peer at Aileene. The girl grew even more nervous as if she was afraid of her. And for a moment, she even thought that the girl had somehow known of her as the villainess Aileene. Afterall, this was the normal reaction many would have to the original Aileene. But she had never done any of those shameful acts of a spoilt brat, so this situation was very strange.

Can the world system still affect her and this world so? But she had confirmed herself that she had gotten rid of it entirely, moreover no one had gotten a negative reaction from her appearance before this. So what was the problem?

Especially with the fact that Kira was a rival, could the other capture targets have the same reaction as her? That would be a problem, if...even he would hate her.

"Miss? Are...you alright?" Kira manages to say when the beautiful girl in front of her had spaced out. She was already nervous having spoken to so many people this morning and this girl that came in front of her was so pretty that she had even panicked. She wasn't a beauty nor was she noticeable, so she really admired the girl in front of her just now. The girl had such a calm and mature aura while being elegant and gorgeous too. She was probably a high-ranking noble, or maybe...even a princess!

Aileene finally heard Kira questioning her and smiled to apologize before quicking grabbing her schedule and walking away. Again, she felt as if she was escaping and trying to run away from something. But from what?

Why did she care so much if he hated her? Even after abandoning all thoughts of reconciling with this person, why must she still be plague with these unnecessary wants. Why can't she leave him be, if she knew everything would be so complicated she wouldn't have gone with this plan. This method of befriending the heroine and capture targets will only lead her to him.

Her plans must be revised.

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