51. Student Council

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It was just a day before the academy officially began, but her year had the audacity to start off this roughly. Kira frowned, her forehead creased in concentration. She began spinning the pen in her hand, as she slouched further into her armchair, hoping it would bring her any relief or inspiration. It did not. And so she turned to biting the end of her pen instead. It too did not help and she continued to rack her brain for ideas. Her usual anxious tendency exploded and she was almost gnawing onto her pen at this point. To be the student council, temporary president! Oh, what a curse! It was a blight and now it was pushed down to her. What did she ever do to suffer this fate?

What happened to her senior? Why had she disappeared, only to leave her behind and in charge when being a member of the student council wasn't even something she wanted. Her father had put her up to it due to her reserved nature. There was nothing about it wrong about it per se, but it wouldn't be good for her to never talk to anyone. Especially in an environment where everyone is constantly building relations and networking. Her father had said that she was so book smart that it had sapped away all her social talent.

Kira didn't agree with his assessment, but she kept quiet. She'd like to believe that she just preferred to keep to herself, people and social gatherings just made her awkward. So it was better for her to just not deal with it. As just working at the information center had taken so much out of her. It would be torture for her to become the temporary student council president. She wasn't even the vice-president. What was he doing?!

"Aaah!" Kira let out a short scream of frustration, she quickly stood up from her chair. "If I just don't take up the post, someone else will have to eventually—"

"Do I hear someone shrinking on their responsibility?"

"I'm not, it wasn't mine in the first place anyway," Kira replied without pause, before realizing that there was someone in the lounge with her. She turned to the source of the criticism and froze. "Vice-president Seti!"

It was the slacker! Why was he reprimanding her about responsibilities? If there was anyone at fault, then it would be him. Had anyone ever heard of a vice-president who couldn't even act as a vice-president. A frustrated expression briefly appeared on her face, but it disappeared just as fast as it had appeared. Though it didn't escape Seti's eyes. He smiled and leisurely approached a couch and sat down, to the annoyance of Kira. But she didn't say anything.

She wasn't confrontational and all her thoughts were merely due to her frustration, but she was still slightly unsatisfied. She didn't understand why she had to contribute so much.

"Your father was the one who had told me to stand down," Seti answered her unspoken questions and Kira's eyes widen in shock. And after a long pause of progressing his words, she sighed. This wasn't something unreasonable or out of character for her father. It was just the fact that she didn't think he would so abruptly push her into a role like this. She had no experience and was basically useless in communication. This was not a suitable role for her nor did she have any desires or want for it.

This was all a mess.

"It is." Seti nodded in agreement to her and she glanced to him. She had said that out loud? She hadn't even realized that she did, and so she wasn't sure how to reply to him.

They were never close and she had only met him once or twice before this moment. She was even surprised that he was the one that began talking to her. She didn't have many friends her age, the president being one. She could never push herself to seek others' friendship. Though she had heard from the president that her vice-president was still a first year, but he was both responsible and hard-working, almost to the point of over-working at any given time.

There was also the fact that he was the heir to one of the four dukedoms within Austrion. Which was very important to any noble children of Austrion, less so to her, since she was not one of them. Having lived and grown up in Kinlar all her life. Her father was the principal of Austrion Academy and she would visit the school from time to time, which would be the only time she was in Austrion. Other than that she had never arrived anywhere else in the country. She enjoyed staying within the comforts of her own home, a notion which her father doesn't actively disapprove of. Her mother would, but she rarely sees her, so she wasn't chastised as often for it.

"But I believe you can go through with this, if you ever need any help. I would be happy to." Seti finally got up from his seat, leaving those last words behind as he left. Kira snapped out of her thoughts and wad once again surprised at another event. She didn't think that someone who was usually so formal would offer so casually to help her. Maybe she was wrong, but she had somewhat avoided interaction with the vice-president, since he had seemed so solemn. But then again, who was she to judge? She avoided almost everyone equally.

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