48. Lady Relivia Artline

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Once Lucian had asked his father how he had met his mother. His father then smiled for the first time in a long while, he spoke softly and he could almost forget any image of a ruthless and strong ruler that his father always were. It was as if in that moment his father had relived that moment again, as his eyes shone with renewed light and he had asked him to sit down. They were in his father's office, but the usual cold and unfeeling office was felt warm for the first time as his father retold his story.

His mother's status was not considered high, but neither him nor his father cared about this fact. They even socially condemn anyone that would dare speak ill of her for her birth. Something that his mother had kindly told them were unnecessary. As people would always enjoy gossip amongst themselves, so long as they weren't harming her or the royal family, they could have as much petty talk as they liked. She was the one crowned Queen and each of them were a King and Prince. They shouldn't bother too much with uneducated people. After this lecture, the two of them agree to stop their assault. She was reasonable and no matter how indignant they felt. She wouldn't change her mind.

That was a quality that made his mother so unique, she was kind and noble. While never losing her own personality and disposition. It had been this that so attracted his socially allergic father.

His mother was the second daughter of a small baron in the south of the country. She had lived all her life away from the city, but her etiquette and intelligent could surpass any grand dukes daughter for all his father could see. Their first, second, and third meeting had been nothing special because of some connections the baron had. His mother had been at most of the balls and parties thrown by important nobility. For which his father too had to attend at that time, since he was the crown prince and could only reject so many invitations. He was still expected to go to parties and act out a polite play. For which he had not cared for at all, but was forced to do.

His father had mostly been bored at these gatherings and had preferred to return home quickly. His mother as a small unimportant noble with no friends kept to herself, not even receiving any attention for dances. For her appearance wasn't exceedingly beautiful, but she was beautiful in a soothing sense. Where one could admire her for days on end with pause and feel as if every turmoil that you had faced for whatever cause was worth it. In these few parties his father had not interacted with her at all, only taking notice of her once or twice when he scanned a room. Even so he would simply skip her own. Since she was too plain to incite any attention from him.

The fourth time they had met, it was the most impressionable. On the third week of his mother's stay in the capital, she was a short time away from her debut into society. And so she had been going to constant parties to build up any sort of connection. Though she didn't have any luck, as she had little to no power nor draw to her that could interest any of the young ladies and masters in the capital. So by then with no success and some awkward interactions added to her belt. His mother had been a little tired of all the different events she had to go to, but she knew that she had to do this. It was for her own future and her sister had done the same thing. Albeit with much more success, since her older sister of four years was quite the beauty. She was only a little shy, but that didn't stop people from approaching her and it was easy for her to get a match in high society. Now she was married in the capital and the one housing them for their stay.

His grandfather only had the his mother and her sister as daughters with his grandmother pasting away early, his mother knew he just wanted the best for the both of them. He was an honest man and didn't have much ambitions aside from providing them everything they needed to live their lives happily. After her sister had married, even though her father had been a bit forlorn, she could tell that he was truly happy for her. And his mother was too, but now it was her turn to get married and have a good future. So his grandfather would not have to worry anymore.

But even with all his mother's resourcefulness she couldn't find anyone that she could marry, none of the nobles interested her or were interested in her and if she went up the ladder, she would only be disappointed. Unlike all the other young ladies with fantasy of marrying the two handsome princes. His mother was completely logical with her thought process, she knew that she had no chance. So she quickly struck them off her list of potential suitors. Though that didn't mean that she didn't see them at any of the ball and parties that she attended. His mother did see his father and uncle many times, of which she merely complimented their appearance a bit in her mind and moved on with her life.

Until a quiet afternoon, as the sun set for the ending of another day, his mother's carriage was late for a ball that she had to attend. Normally she was rather punctual, but during the daze of the same schedules, tea parties, balls, events and so on. That day there had been an error in the time that they would depart for the appointment, they had misread the time by an hour late. And as his mother was taking a long calming bath and getting ready for the ball. The butler had realized the house mistake and she was pulled out of her relaxed state and rushed with dressing, make-up and everything needed before she could leave the house.

His mother was vexed but also worried, it wouldn't be appropriate for a small noble like her to offend anyone. Especially if it was being late to a ball she was invited to and even with the speed that they had rushed, they still wouldn't make it to the estate, especially with the traffic from other carriages. She could only manage a nervous expression, trying to think of anyway for her to resolve her current problem.

There was nothing his mother could do for the carriage to travel faster through the traffic of the capital, so the only solution she had left was⁠—

To navigate the street by foot, for her to briskly walk, or in simpler terms, run as fast as she could without fatally falling and harming herself or ruining her new dress.

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