6. Family Reunion

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Aileene would follow her path set in stone. It was for the best, but this time she wouldn't involve her parents in her tragedy. She could fall, but she couldn't drag them down with her. They have already done so much for her, it wouldn't be fair to them.

As it is, the start of the game was only a few years ahead and she had some faith in herself to find strength in completing her role. It was only a bit of assisted bullying, the normal villainess rivalry. Afterward, the more fortunate ending was for her to be exiled from the school and her family, leaving a recluse life locked away.

The sooner she accepted it, the better she'd feel. For this her pride would have to leave her be, it was her fate to lose to the heroine. And she was happy she even got to enjoy her short lifetime with her parents. It was simply inevitable, and she had no one to blame. This time she wouldn't be petty, nor upset at the heroine. After all, how could she blame a little girl who didn't even know?

Her mindset was fixed, this small insignificant future wouldn't stop her from being happy now. She would enjoy her life just as before. When the matter does come to play, she'll play the game to its destined course.

"My niece grew so much, I remember when you were such a small child. I even rocked you to sleep." Her aunt said, already cuddling her and squeezing the air out of her. Aileene smiled awkwardly in her aunt's embrace, there were a pattern with these women, weren't there? Always treating her as a small child. Sure, it was endearing, but cooing voices could only remain endearing for so long.

Finally being released from her short imprisonment, Aileene glance to the two figure behind her aunt. They were none other than her uncle and older cousin, whom both shared the same blue eyes and features. But her cousin inherited his mother's brown hair. While her Uncle had the generically dominate pale blond hair of the Lovells.

"Well, don't be stealing my daughter now that you've come back." Her mother intervenes in her aunt's hold, as she protective pulled Aileene back, mimicking the gestures she made towards the Queen just days prior. This only cause a good feeling of deju vu to blossom in her stomach, as she held onto her mother like a spoiled child.

"You're so selfish, Kathleen!" Her Aunt's reaction imitated angry, but her eyes told a different story, as they shinned with unconcealed joy.

"Everyone just come in, we'll prepare dinner. You're probably all tired from the long travel by now." Her father spoke, a hint of laughter lingering in his voice. As her uncle happily joined her father, the two quickly getting lost in their own world in a harmonious nonstop chat. Her mother and aunt weren't far behind them though, as they both also get lost in their own gossips, covering their mouths with their dainty hands every once in a while, as if they were innocent of any judgment.

That left her with her cousin, Alastair Lovell, whom she hadn't met in 6 years. Quite a while, especially in a child's mind. Turning to him, her eyes leaving her parents and relatives back. She took in her cousin's appearance, a closer inspection than her glance before. And to the say the least, it was to her approval. His face though still young and almost baby-like was set in a serious and anyways calm manner, imposing, to say the least. But she could definitely see just a few years into the future and ladies would be falling high over heels by his feet. She just hopes it wouldn't eventually be the heroine, since her dear cousin was a captured target himself. A secret one, only unlockable after all other routes are finished. But an important one nonetheless in completely breaking the hateful villainess of Vain.

In all routes, besides his very own, Alastair has always defended the villainess, even in her vulgarities. He would go out of his way to protect and help her, but the girl blinded with hatred wasn't grateful for her cousin. In the end, she only dragged him down with her, something that the certain Aileene couldn't let happen. He was family, and he deserved some gratitude.

Awkwardly coughing to get her cousin's attention, she gave him a similarly awkward smile, "I'm sorry, I don't actually remember much about you. But I'm sure we were good friends as children, those few times we met. So let's be friends, again?" She asked, reaching her hands out in a sort of handshake agreement for him to acknowledge her. Though there was only an awkward silence engulfing them, as he stared at her curiously, the previous seriousness somehow lost.

Sometime later when her cousin finally decided to wake from his stumped slumber, she was just getting annoyed enough, wanting to beat him awake. Though she kept her calm and slowly aching arm in the air, remember all the etiquette lessons she had learned from Miss Delaney. When her cousin reached out to shake her hands, she took his hand and start pulling him to the dining room. Afterall they were a bit late because of his daydream.

As his cousin dragged him along, Alastair couldn't help feeling a bit guilty, seeing the slight annoyance in Aileene's eyes. Most likely because of his long wait in returning her handshake. It had just been a long time since someone wanted to befriend him. He mostly lived reclusively with his parents and didn't get to interact with other children.

Before meeting Aileene today, he honestly couldn't say if he remembered what she looked like before. They had been very young after all, even if he was two years older than her.

Finally reaching the dining room, they both saw their parents talking and waiting for the onslaught of plated food. Probably even forgetting about their children in the vibrant environment. Releasing his cousin's hand, the guilt eating away at him.

Alastair looked to the ground awkwardly, before muttering out a quiet, "I'm sorry." And secretly glancing at Aileene's to gauge her reaction, though it surprised him nonetheless when she smiled, as if she could dissolve him of all crimes in the world, just because he apologized.

4.) Are clichés good or bad?

Honestly, most of your answers were exactly what I wanted to say. So I'll just copy one of them.

"Half way" - @KoppyKat

5.) Which would you better enjoy a happy ending or a tragic ending for a story?

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