5. World System

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Aileene felt cold, even as she was being swept under the warm air of spring. Her steps were slow, almost painful, as she walked back to the ongoing banquet. Her mind was still preoccupied with her previous unsettling thoughts, and as time grew, she only became more indecisive.

It was ironic of her to say or even think that.

She didn't want to be the bad guy.

The villainess.

The cannon-fodder nobody.

Even if the minute she was created, she had already been tag with her role. She didn't want it. She would do anything to tear it all away. But was it truly her choice? Wasn't this imbalance, this indecisiveness the root of all problems? Wasn't this the problem of the world before this one?

The game Vain was unique within itself, one of a kind to say the least. Since it proposed the option of absolute control for all players, there must have been a way for the game to work. And with the simple computer stimulated game design that have anyways been used, it would have been a complete failure.

Though Vain stepped up to this challenge, it created a system where the game world of Vain was simulated and repeated millions upon millions of times, creating a sort of parallel world system. Where worlds would be almost exact copies of each other, besides some mutated differences that are expected.

Since the process was similar to DNA replicating itself, but, whereas DNA wouldn't welcome mutated changes, the game worlds were welcoming to these changes. Since it left players with a more personalized experience.

And with any major system, such as the parallel worlds of Vain. It was managed by an AI, known as the World System or more commonly the Game System. The AI tasked at the center of all production, worked to manage every single game world purchased by players. It was a tight web line of technology, all connecting back to the Game System, itself.

And since the game worlds sold to each individual was a real simulated world. It allowed people to have control of all their actions, which would just be reacted to unique by the characters within the game. This makes all interactions original and not preordained. This factor alone boosts the game in popularity. And the game faced a smooth sailing ride until a sudden virus spread among the game worlds.

For some unforeseeable reason, the villainess in newly sold games would take the place of the heroine, becoming good, kind and sweet. Which let her receive love and admiration from everyone. This was not the order of things and most new buyers found themselves unsatisfied to become the villainess.

And this is the part of the story she came into. She was the patch, the cure, the antibody to the virus. The new and improved, Aileene Lovell, tasked with becoming the best villainess by all means. Though she wasn't the only one that was Aileene, there were millions and billions of her. Aileene coded with new memories, all tasked with the same goal. Though this didn't mean that all Aileenes were similar, they might have been created with the same goal. But some were miles apart in differences alone.

This meant she had no clue whether any other Aileene was facing the same dilemma as she was. She could only focus within her own world and her own world alone. And this fact only instilled a deeper feeling of hopelessness in her.

"Aileene? Aileene. Aileene!" A voice called, startling her out of her thoughts. Glancing to the person who called her, she realized she was already back in the banquet hall. And her mother was the one trying to get her attention.

"Sorry, I was distracted." Aileene sheepishly replied to her mother, giving her a small smile. Her laments bottle up in her mind once again, as she puts on a happy mask.

"It's fine, just don't ignore the Queen too." Her mother stated calmly, waiting for her reaction as she steps away from her field of vision to reveal the Queen, regal and elegant. Dress in a finely made velvet dress, Queen Anastassia still looked young and beautiful. She had dark raven hair and smooth pale skin, completely opposite to Aileene's mother, Duchess Kathleen, whom had light blonde hair and golden touched skin.

They were both such powerful and beautiful women, they were probably decisive too. Unlike her. And Aileene stood in awe of them. She knew she looked up to her mother, but her admiration grew seeing her mother and her best friend stand next to each other. And she had rarely even met the Queen, this would only be her second meeting. The first was some time during her infant years.

Which was rather underwhelming, since she didn't get to properly interact with the Queen. As her babbling baby self kept crying nonsensically.

"You've grown so much, I remember when you were just a small child. Kathleen, why did you hide such an adorable girl from me?" The Queen close the distance between them, as she started squeezing Aileene's cheek, cooing her like a small baby. It was worse than she thought, her baby first impression really stuck to the Queen.

"You're being selfish, you already have an adorable son and daughter. Don't take my only child!" Kathleen laughs at her friend's childishness, as she pulled Aileene away, putting her in a tight embrace, shielding her daughter from her friend.

"Well then, she can be my daughter in law!" The Queen responded with a mischievous smile on her lips and both hands on her hips. It made Aileene smile in delight at her mother's and the Queen's playfulness, they were neither stiff nor traditional. Which was refreshing, and the joy made her shortly forget about her dilemma.

"Don't you dare, my daughter can choose who she wants to marry!" Her mother said with conviction, hiding her even further from the Queen. Hearing her mother say that, Aileene couldn't hold herself back. She started laughing out loud, as her mother release her. Heads turned to look at her. But she only held onto her stomach and started coughing, as she tried to suppress the laughter.

"She laughed!" The Queen suddenly announced to her mother, when she finally ceased her laughter. But a small smile still remained on her lips.

"Wait, were you both trying to make me laugh?" Aileene asked surprised and a bit embarrassed. She hadn't even thought that this whole interaction was a charade to make her laugh.

"Sweetie, you seemed a little sad when you walked in. So I wanted to cheer you up and Ana here decided on trying to make you laugh." Her mother reached to hug her again, and she accepted the warm hug, laying her head on her mother's chest. "If anything's wrong, you can talk to me."

Aileene wrapped her arms around her mother, as her eyes moisten. She was trying to hide and bottle up her emotions, but her mother noticed and tried to help her without a second thought. Even the Queen wanted to help.

She wanted to cry. Out of sadness or happiness, she wasn't sure. Again she was reminded she wasn't alone, but there was no path for her besides being alone. She couldn't let herself cry to her mother now. She would have to learn to fix problems on her own, and she couldn't let her mother worry because of her indecisiveness.

She would have to be stronger.

3.) What would you do if the world ended tomorrow?

First of all, I would be panicking. And probably going through all the stages of grief. I would cry. I would cry alot. Then I think I would come to accept my fate. After I'll start doing everything that I didn't get to do before, like illegal stuff, buying all the stuff I want, travel the world. If I get to do everything I want. I would probably just sleep, then at least I'll just die while sleeping.

4.) Are clichés good or bad?

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