41. Austrion Academy

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Austrion Academy was located deep in the mountains, an area that bordered Kinlar. Austrion, as a country was one that was exceedingly difficult to attack. Since at all sides, it was either surrounded by the coast or by a dangerous mountain range. So when the academy had plans to be made, many people couldn't imagine the possibility of a building being situated in the mountains.

The mountains, after all, were plagued with low temperatures and constant snow storms. It wasn't safe for anyone to journey through the mountains, never mind setting up a place to live in it. So the construction of the academy had to be supported by both Austrion and Kinlar. The two countries made the academy to be a symbol of peace. It went through the hands of many talented architects in that century with the mind to perfect the building to the extreme. In the end, the academy was named Austrion Academy as another show of goodwill from Kinlar. And with its prestige, it had both noble children from Austrion and Kinlar gathered in one place. Continually growing the relations between the two countries.

Each year a new batch of students arrive at the academy and will stay at the academy for the next four years of their lives. After all, to arrive at the academy you would have to take a journey of a whole week, just to get from the outside of the mountain range to the center of it, where the academy stood. A whole week was also a gentle estimate since you would never be able to predict the type of danger that you would encounter on the journey. Snowstorms and wild beast were always unreliable. Even with the safe roads that the academy had provided with its experience of many years in running, no one can be absolutely sure in their safety. So most noble children would take an entourage with them, starting the journey with a three months cushion, before the school year even started.

It was also better if you arrived earlier since connections and cliques can be created easier that way. Even though many noble children would gather in one place, there was still a hierarchy. There was nothing fair in the system, lesser nobles stick to themselves and the higher nobles interact in groups. Many would even mingle with the different higher nobles from Kinlar since they had the power to. And this year, the number of major nobles coming from Austrion could be said to be an astronomical amount.

All the capture targets were from the three major dukedoms of the kingdom and the crown prince would also arrive in toll. So all the other nobles children were in a frenzy on how they could mingle with this group of lords. After all, even at royal balls or any social events, it was difficult to interact with these people. As they're either stuck with a group of fans, tactically ignoring everyone or already chatting with their own clique. It wasn't even a guarantee that when these small lords were all in the same room you would be able to see the face of at least one.

So many nobles could only bitterly complain in their hearts, hoping to make acquaintances with these people when they're at the academy. Which Aileene simply wanted to dissuade, other than the heroine those lords are blind to everyone else. So there was no chance for these people to even try. In the academy, those small lords formed a group surrounding the heroine. And just from hearing the names of all those in the group one could just faint.

Aileene's departure and journey had taken up two months already and at this point, she had barely arrived at the academy. A month before the school year started, a month could be said to be pretty early, but she knew that many others would even prepare to come to the school three months earlier. Which was the extra effort the pitiful weaker nobles had to put in. Who asked them to be a weak noble?

The one month cushion for her also aligned perfectly with the capture targets and the heroine's plan. This was the blessing of her knowledge, what otherwise would have been a coincidental friendship turned into her own benefit. She would arrive at the school, befriend the heroine and woo over the capture targets. It was as simple as that. She would be the kind and good Aileene who stood by the cheerful and outgoing heroine.

There would be no villainess, rivals nor obstacle that could stand in their way. They would be friends who wholeheartedly cared for one another. And they would be willing to do anything for one another.

Aileene's thoughts were unwavering, her goal gave her purpose. She knew what she had to do and if that meant she had to throw away her integrity, innocence, or morals. She would do, again and again, all til she could succeed. Her friends of the past she could no longer reach out to. So deep within her heart, she could only hope that they would be able to forgive her.

This was her only path. She must become the monster that tears apart the dreams of all those who oppose her.

The academy was ethereal as it stood white and impeccable, blending in but standing out all at once against the backdrop of the snow-filled mountains. The gate and walls were high, and guards stood in front of the entrance frozen along with the rest of the academy. Aileene's carriage pause in its motion and the door to her left side opens, she shuffles down with the help of her driver. And admired the sight in front of her once more, the air was cold and it almost stung against her skin.

But she merely pulled her own white coat closer. Her driver and servants quickly drove the carriage away to the dormitory, so that they could settle down all her things. While she, herself would check in with the administration and get the schedule for all her classes.

Aileene started forward, entering the gates of her academy leisurely. As her steps were slow and relaxed. She had imagined this day for many years, from the time she had been born into this world she waited for this day. She waited in fear, distressed. She hated for this day to come, she never wanted her mission to truly begin. But now, all she could feel was a cold acceptance within her soul. If her existence can be something that possesses a soul.

She slowed her steps to a halt, reading the elegant golden sign above her.

Austrion Academy

For just a moment, since the sky was so high and the world so cold. Aileene could almost imagine that she was a little girl in a blue dress, standing afront her new school, ready for a new adventure for her life.

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