10. Tea Talk

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Aileene has always been a detailed orientated person, she simply enjoyed planning every step of the way. And no matter what, she seemed to always reliably find herself focus on the task ahead, and for that, she was definitely grateful. Though this little personality quirk of her really didn't have any regards for her own complaints or unwillingness. It dragged her to success and whether she wanted it or not, she would find herself there.

And this time wasn't any different, as she found herself at her destination, the Grand Austrion Castle. A splendid sight indeed, something however many times you've seen it, you would be in awe once again the next time you returned. The castle itself seemed to be built out of mostly marbles, white, pure and almost angelic. It towered above you at its entrance, but otherwise, it wouldn't be considered too tall from afar. All in all, it was an architectural masterpiece.

Though while she was being led through the halls by a maid, she almost wanted to retract all her praising statements. The castle was too windy and large and confusing. She would sooner see herself living in a wooden birdhouse than this mess. At least the birdhouse has the simplicity going for it.

Aileene sighed softly, almost inaudible to even people right beside her. She had told herself it was the right choice to accept Ruby's invitation, but the more she walked, the more her nerves were upsetting her. She, surprisingly wasn't the queen of small talk or gossip, if that wasn't clear enough when she had interacted with Ruby and Xi before. It was so bad, both her mind and body were completely exhausted after a few hours of smiling.

Though, this small sacrifice was nothing. It would only be a small stepping stone to her goal, and if it doesn't turn out as badly as she's predicting it. She would have made good with two of her allies.

Aileene felt comfortable, so very comfortable. It was completely different from what she had expected, and it brought a warm, light and fluffy feeling to her heart. Once again, she scolded her way too suspicious side. It made her forget that these characters, Ruby, Xi, they were people too. They were young, childish and naive, no matter how dark she thought their intention, in reality, it seemed to be the opposite.

A tea invitation doesn't always bring about high society based connection.

A banquet wasn't always a hub for intricate web of lies.

Not everything was so black and white, and Aileene couldn't seem to remember that.

"Aileene, is it lonely to be an only child?" Ruby asked curiously, as she glance to the calm Aileene, whom to this point hadn't led the conversation much. Only seeming to drop some small opinions here and there, while being more focus on drinking her tea.

"You can't just ask someone that!" Xi exclaimed when she heard Ruby's childish question. She knew that the princess had good intentions, just wanting Aileene to be involved in the conversation too. But the question was really just too frank, easily offendable to any outsider. Ruby was too naive, being princess didn't excuse her from everything she says. It was the very first rule in high society, words weren't just words. They were weapons or gift, they can attack or retreat, befriend or offend.

"It's fine, Xi," Aileene replied with a soft smile, she could see the girl's panic over Ruby's question and she couldn't help but want to console her. Afterall, they were both so young, they shouldn't have to worry about their words. And she wasn't a stingy elder either, so she would rather have everyone relaxed than always on guard. "We're all friends aren't we, there's no need for precautions."

Ruby and Xi were stunned into silence as they stare on at Aileene for such a long time, she even began thinking she had suddenly grown a glowing halo atop her head. Which wasn't exactly far off from what the two impressionable girls were thinking about. Afterall, this could be considered the first time someone had told them to tear their walls down. Even at their age, they knew the ins and outs of their birth world. But now that they were asked to be genuine, they couldn't help but be a little incredulous.

"Aileene, I admire you so much!" Ruby was the first to break the hanging silence, immediately using her newfound ability. She was happy, why wouldn't she be? She finally had friends, outsiders she could be herself with that wasn't her family.

"I really won't have to put on any pretenses?" Xi asked nervously, almost in doubt of herself and the situation. She still couldn't really process it, her short life to this point had been refined to the finest tip. With rules and orders at every turn, she could never really express herself. But now that she was given a chance to, she was too afraid to take it?

"No, not at all. Xi, if you see me as a friend then I won't have any reason to force you to lie." Aileene said in affirmation, these girls, though portrayed as evil or vicious in Vain. She couldn't see it when she interacted with them, they were so sweet but so misguided. So if she could change their nurture, for the time being, she would take that chance. When the time for the game does arrive, they can all put on a big charade and get away scot-free.

"I will be the bestest of best friends you've ever had, Aileene!" Xi responded with admiration and determination in her voice. After her interactions with Aileene today, she was definitely wholly and completely devoted. At that moment, she promised in the depths of her heart that she would follow her idol through hell and back.

"Hey, I'm her friend too!!" Ruby interrupted Xi's shining moment with a pout, expressing all her jealous thoughts in just one gaze.

Aileene laughed at the twos' antics, though this scene was another deja vu for her and the more she thought, the more the realization clicked in her head, she really did have a lot of Drama Queens in her life, didn't she?

"We're all best friends, there's nothing to fight about. But aren't we forgetting something?" Aileene asked shifting the topic, as she pretended to be in deep thoughts, while the two girls waited for her response. "Ruby, you've never told us who your crush was, right?"

The minute the question was raised, two pairs of eyes were dead set on the Princess, whom seemed to squirm in her poofy pink dress. Ruby cracked a nervous smile at her new friends, "I think I hear my brother calling me, I'm sorry. I'll see you all later."

The princess then guiltily ran away once again, leaving the two friends at the garden pavilion with an almost finished plate of sweets and a cold teacup.

8.) What is your opinion on pizza?

In all honesty, I think pizza is overrated.


I'm ready for all the hatred, but first hear me out. I don't hate pizza, I'm not saying it's bad tasting or that it isn't good. I just think that pizza in general is overrated. I've heard people say they would die for pizza, I've seen t-shirts with 'Pizza Before Boys.' And sure these could all be some ironic joke, but it could literally be replaced with any foods, but no it's pizza. I mean, pizza is good but it isn't the greatest thing out there. I wouldn't even say it deserves the rating of 'Good' it's more like 'okay.' I'm just saying, there's more choices out there, pizza doesn't have be always be lifeeeeeeee.

9.) Between the trope of reincarnation, transmigration, or time travel, what do you enjoy most?

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