15. Letting Go

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"That's a tragic legend," Aileene commented after Lucian finished narrating his story. Turning away from the river she glances back at him, trying to gauge his reaction. She was definitely glad she was able to learn the legend, but she didn't know that it was going to be so heartfelt. And it made her feel a bit incompetent, afterall she couldn't hope to be as giving as the Goddess and she admired the woman greatly just from listening to the story.

"People are tragic, aren't they? They don't realize what's good for them until that very thing is lost." Lucian answered turning back to Aileene, meeting her crystal blue eyes, as they both stood in a comfortable silence. Though soon the moment was interrupted by the chime of the city's clock, indicating that it was now midnight.

"You should let that candle go," Lucian said softly, watching Aileene nod in agreement, before kneeling down by the water. Though she paused her movements for a moment, closing her eyes in contemplation. She tried to form all of her unwanted emotions from the back of her mind into the candle, before resuming her actions, letting the candle go.

Pushing herself off the ground, Aileene steps back to stand alongside Lucian, watching more and more candles flow downstream, glowing lightly like moving stars in the sky. A relieve sigh escapes her lips, as she pulls her coat closer to her, a way to comfort herself.

"Our parents should be expecting us back by now," Aileene spoke up, breaking the fragile silence. A moment of silence lingers before she turned away from the glowing river. Starting in the direction that she came from, Lucian didn't object and simply followed alongside her.

Aileene felt more and more perplexed by her interactions with the Kinlar prince as time passed, even when she had returned to her family. Which had smartly ignored her disappearance, all questions, and curiosity thrown aside. She couldn't shake her feeling of confusion and amazement. They weren't even purposed to meet yet and from her recollections of the otome story and events. This wasn't supposed to happen and if it did, it was never mentioned when the game started. Since the two characters rarely interacted in the game and never acknowledged knowing one another.

She could guess that it was unique to her very world, but why would it be? It wouldn't affect the outcome of the game, would it? If it did affect things, then what would the game become?

Her panic thoughts remained swirling in her mind, uncomfortable and unnerving. Aileene didn't hate her chance encounter with the Prince, it was rather nice and they became friends, even through their short interactions. The unfortunate part for her was the outcome of Vain itself, would this event change the game in the future? She had no clue, and she had no way to help fix the problem. All she could do was sit and pray, but it was still all based on chance.

Which she hated, she hated feeling helpless, hated that she wasn't in control of the situation. Sighing, Aileene dropped herself onto her bed the minute she got into her room. Her legs hanging over the side of the bed, while her left hand covered her closed eyes, as she tried to breathe and calm herself down.

Was she overreacting? Was she being too dramatic? This wasn't going to be anything big, would it?

"What's your name?" Lucian asked curiously. He still didn't know who the girl was, nor her background. So if he at least got her name, he could investigate for himself. Afterall the girl was more interesting than he bargained for, and their small rendezvous and budding friendship proved that she was someone he could get to know more.

"Aileene." She answered nonchalantly, not thinking of the consequences of her actions. Simply answering the question at the moment for what it was.

Why was she such an idiot? She told him her name. Gave him a lead on her. At that moment, Aileene felt the whole world frowning in shame at her actions. When was she ever this unaware of her surroundings? Did she just lose her mind because of some boy?

Aileene sat up from her slump and grabbed one of her pillow, burying her face in it. She let out an exasperated yell. She had never felt so childish in life. And the feeling wasn't very becoming of her.

A few knocks sounded at her door, which nearly cause her to jump from her own skin. Slowly taking her head out of her pillow, she turned to the door, which had been left open because of her unmindful state earlier. At the door was a single smirking cousin, already planning to take advantage of her disheveled state to tease her.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it," Aileene answered her cousin's smirking victory. Placing her pillow down on the bed and fixing her messy hair. Trying to appear as though all priors events didn't happen.

"Don't be so assuming, I didn't even get to say anything yet," Alastair said with a pout, he rarely gets any chance to win against his cousin. He seemed to always be the one always following her whims and wants. And though he wasn't resentful towards her. It was still humiliating that he was the older one of the two. "And, anyway, don't you have something to report to me?"

"Fine, fine. I'll tell you about my adventures." Aileene sighed dramatically, a playful smile finding it's way on her face. As she patted the spot next to her for her cousin to sit while she retells her Light Festival rendezvous, mentioning everything, but the little troublesome Prince.

13.) On a moral alignment system, what do you think is your morality? (Ex. Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, etc.)

I am definitely Chaotic Neutral, since I'm not naturally good nor bad. Just kinda morally grey and I work for my own needs most of the time. Though I do have spikes of mischief.

14.) If you're beginning to read a new online story, how many chapters do you wait for it to have? Or do you read it immediately?

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