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wednesday, 29th september, 00:24:

when i left my apartment tonight, i didn't think i'd end up in a beautiful stranger's one. i didn't really want to go in, but seeing as he asked and was always on his own i thought i'd give it a try.
his name's magnus. magnus bane. he seems really nice. i should give the dude a chance.

"so, would you like anything to eat? drink?" he asks me eagerly.
i don't really eat much; i suppose that's why i'm so thin. i don't like eating, if i'm honest. nowadays, when i do it, it's because i have to, not because i want to.
"i'll take a glass of water, if that's alright."
"sure! anything to eat?"
i think for a moment.
"do you think it would be possible if i could have a cheese sandwich?"
magnus looks at me and smiles, then giggles a little. i can see a real smile in his eyes too.
his eyes are wonderful. they're this mix of gold and green.
almost like a cat's.
"of course!" he says, wandering off to his kitchen.
he pops his head round the door.
"sit down, please! make yourself comfortable!"

i plonk myself down onto a soft, colourful sofa. it's very comfy.
late night brooklyn is beautiful. city lights on a horizon, stars sparkling high in the sky. the view from this apartment is amazing. i never really open my window, so i don't really know what my view's like.

one day, i'd like to be up there with those stars.
hopefully soon enough.

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