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<<i hope y'all don't mind, but my plans for this have changed slightly. for instance, i wanna stop the whole date and time thing. so that's gonna stop. to move it along a bit, this chapter is going to be a time skip to 7 months later. don't worry tho; there's gonna be a bit of a shock at the end of this,,we still on that thicc angsty grind>>


wow. i actually can't believe it. it's been seven whole ass months since my entire life changed.

since i met the one i love most.

what magnus makes me feel is indescribable. it's almost like the presence of a god. <<if you know, you know ;)>>

i mean yeah i still feel like shit pretty often, but this time there's a shoulder to cry on. a voice of reason, a voice that knows the pain i feel.

a voice that got me the courage to start therapy.

without magnus, i'd literally be nothing.

i might not even have been here now.

"hey pup, whatcha thinking about?" magnus says, ruffling my hair.
magnus laughs and kisses the top of my head. i've always loved that.
"no but seriously babe, are you ok?"
"yeah yeah, i'm...fine. just thinking about how it's been seven months now."
magnus links our fingers. "seven months since your knight in shining armour arrived and quite literally saved your life? oh -and also fell in love with you?"
"shut uuuuuuup you're such a stupid little dork!"
"aHA!" magnus yells. "but i'm YOUR little dork." he says with a smile.
he then lowers his voice and whispers in my ear.

which is ridiculously sexy.

"and i have a surprise planned for later. just for you, and of course, i."
taking a seductive breath, he continues. i shiver at the feeling.
"but you'll have to wait to find out. wouldn't want it all ruined now would i?"

without thinking -yet as seductively as possible- i whisper "i understand, master" in magnus's ear. i know how wild it drives him when i call him master.

that's why i do it randomly to piss him off.

we're lying together on the couch which makes it better.

magnus shifts so that he's now directly on top of me, and cups my jaw to kiss me. i slide my hands up his shirt and across his smooth skin, parting his lips with my own at the same time.

"oh god."

magnus breaks the kiss and starts kissing my neck instead. he knows the weakest, most sensitive parts, and naturally goes for them first. i gasp, and before it gets too real i lift magnus's shirt over his head.

i really do prefer him shirtless.
not that he doesn't look as good with a shirt -he always looks fucking gorgeous- but seeing him shirtless reminds me that i'm the only one who sees him this way.

as he does the same to me, we start kissing again, getting deeper and deeper each time. magnus bites my bottom lip, which earns a moan.

magnus smirks at me. "i want to fucking-"

knock knock.

dang it. there's someone at the door.
"should i just yell 'sorry, too busy fucking my boyfriend'?"

i laugh. "magnus no. put your shirt on and go check who it is."
"put yours on too in case it's kit and/or ty."

kit and ty are happily 'engaged' apparently. which really means that kit once proposed to ty with a haribo ring as a joke and ty took it more seriously than kit thought.

"i'm not taking it off til the day we actually officially get engaged -like with proper rings and stuff." he once told us.

magnus opens the door. i can't see much from where i'm sitting, so i try to lean round.

when i finally catch sight of who it is, i have to bite back screams.

"hi, who are you?" magnus asks a tall dark haired woman with blue eyes and her husband, who is shorter and also wider but otherwise looks similar to her.

"who are you? does alec lightwood live here?"
"depends who's asking."

"depends who's asking??

we're his parents."

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