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wednesday, 29th september, 16:43:

well, my dear magnus, you're making me want to.

it's been an hour or two since he said that. since alec told me that i'm making him want to live.

since he kissed me.

we're currently just lying together, cuddled up under a soft, huge blanket on my couch, watching netflix and eating popcorn. we've both had an emotionally exhausting day, to say the least.
i haven't brought up the kiss again, because i don't want alec being uncomfortable. i'd rather wait and see when he feels he wants to talk about it.

oh what a beautiful boy.

he really is beautiful. he's stunning. breathtaking. everything about him is beauty. i can't even describe it properly in words.

as the movie we were watching draws to a close, alec stretches his arms and shuffles a little closer, (not that it's really possible for that) and my heart melts.

"magnus? can, please?"
"about earlier?"
"yeah..." alec says, nervously laughing and blushing.

"look magnus, i am really sorry about earlier. what i want to say now, is that i'm willing to give life a chance. that is, if you, you know, are willing to give me a chance."
my mouth gapes slightly, and poor alec gets scared.
"i-i'm so sorry i didn't mean it- i mean,you don't have to, y'know, i just-"
"alec. did you just...ask me out?"
"i think so?"

i grin at him. the biggest grin i can.
"well, i will say yes!"
"yes what?" he stutters. he knows though, i can see it in his sparkling eyes and his grinning smile and his little giggles.
"yes i will go out with you, you little spork!"
he smiles pure happiness.
and then i see my opportunity.

"mAGNUS NO PLEASE NONONO STOOOOP," alec wails, laughter spilling out between words.
i've got him pinned on the couch and i'm tickling him.
because i am an extremely mature nineteen year old who is absolutely fucking ecstatic at the moment.
"you're asking for it mister!"
"excuse me?! i am innocent and pure."
part of me has to refrain from answering with something extremely inappropriate.
"no pleaseeeee i just wanna cuddle my boyfriend!!"
"well isn't that what you call someone that you're in a relationship with?"
"i'm sorry, i didn't quite hear that. i am your what?"
"sorry? a little bit louder please."
"yOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND ALRIGHT?!" alec yells, none too quietly.
"young man i think that calls for more tickles."
i laugh. "alright. c'mere."
he flops forward onto me, wrapping his arms around me and nestling his head in my neck. which is surprising, as he's an inch or two taller than me. i wrap my arms around him too, taking the joy in just holding alec.

"thank you for making me feel like i'm actually worth something, magnus."

i apologise in advance for bad grammar etc, i'm very tired and i'm like shite at english when i'm tired. (i mean i am anyways but still) thanks for over three quarter of a thousand reads over on my other fic!! it really really means a lot, and makes me feel so so happy.

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