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i cannot believe this. these monsters have no right to be turning up at this door so many years after they kicked their own son out. this is the one thing alec hasn't talked about with me; and i've never pressured him to, because he needs his privacy. just like i haven't told him about my, let's just say, daddy issues.

at least we have the ability to respect each other.

"excuse me, but you monsters have absolutely no right to be turning up here demanding to see your son. not after what happened."
"and how do you know what happened? you mean nothing to us; we don't know or care to know what our son is doing with you. to us, you're just another annoying little immigrant boy who has no right to be here."

alec immediately stands up. i feel shocked, yet not surprised. it does hurt. but i've been called worse than 'immigrant boy'.

far, far worse.

"mom, dad, get out of here right fucking now. i am not about to stand here and listen to you degrade my BOYFRIEND just because of his race. he has just as much a right to live here as you. in fact; he's one hundred percent more worthy of it than you. so just fucking leave. i never want to see you or talk to either of you EVER AGAIN."

alec is so amazing. the only problem is, he's always standing up for others, but never himself.

"your boyfriend? alec we went through this; being gay is not real. you're what you think you are, not what you actually are. humans are made to reproduce, and you can't do that. we can't have any grandchildren via you. so in throwing you away, we thought you'd come to your senses and realise that you need to do what you were born to do; marry a good lady and have a family."

i rub my hands together.
they're so going down right now.

"so all your son is to you is a reproducing machine? he's not even a person? how disgusting do you have to be to genuinely believe this shit? your son is a beautiful young man. he's kind, he's handsome, his heart is full of love for others. but you know what it's not full of? self-love. you guys were so caught up in what you wanted that you never even taught your own child how to love himself. it's because of you, that alec's been through so much. it's because of you, that alec has extremely severe depression. at the age of seventeen. i'm not about to reveal personal things about this because that's alec's job if he decides to. but just know, that you two put your son through so much unnecessary pain that he-" my voice shakes. i don't want to say it. "-he's done all these things."
"but i guess i do have to thank you for something. without your shitty parenting, alec wouldn't be here with me, and i wouldn't have met the love of my life. yeah yeah, we're young, but i know it's true. i've been hurt too many times in the past to ignore this feeling. i've also met new friends; alec's brother slash best friend jace, clary his girlfriend, kit, and ty. they're all extremely kind and caring people, and i love them. i also can't wait to eventually meet alec's sister isabelle and her boyfriend simon. alec's spoken to her over the phone about us and she says she'll see us as soon she gets back from holidays with simon. we're all family now; we found each other. a bunch of broken kids who love and support each other more than anything else in the world."

alec starts sobbing. even though i've heard this sound so often, it still makes my heart break every time. it's such a low, painful sound.

alec's mother stares at me for a while. his father is looking at alec with a look of what sort of looks like disgust.

"fine. if alec doesn't want to talk to us, so be it. he has you and those other kids. but we didn't come here for no reason."

alec stops sobbing and tenses. i wrap my arms around him and hold him close to reassure him that everything's going to be fine.

"wh-what is it?"

"it's your little brother, alec."

i start to tense too. this doesn't sound good.
there's a silence. a silence in which alec's mother starts to slowly cry.

alec, as if sensing it, speaks.
"mom, tell me! tell me now! has something happened to max? is he ill?" alec says between strained chokes.


                                    max is dead."

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