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alec's concerning me. i mean when does he not?
but no. recently the things he's been doing and saying have had a more aggressive tone. a more hopeless one.

he's missed his therapy sessions as well.

i know so because his therapist rang me earlier today to ask me where he was. i didn't know.

he's been going out and instead of going to therapy he's been going other places. i'm not sure where. i don't have the energy to ask him because his mind seems like an electric fence nowadays; all it takes is one wrong movement and everything goes haywire.

it's only a few weeks til his eighteenth. it's also only a month and two weeks til our one year. even on my twentieth he seemed off.

i don't know what to do. do i force him to go to therapy again? do i force him to talk to me?

what if time runs out?

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